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Adobe Digital Editions can't open acsm

New Here ,
Sep 11, 2021 Sep 11, 2021

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Dear community,

Since Adobe has thought it funny and prudent to hide their contact information deep enough on their website that one might suspect assholish behaviour, I humbly request youtr help.
A while ago I bought a book, which apparently has the acsm format (sth I deeply regret and will vow to never do again). I tried opening it with ADE but I get the error code "E_LIC_ALREADY_FULFILLED_BY_ANOTHER_USER". As far as I understand, this error could be appearing because I previously tried to open it without registering my adobe account when using ADE, so the book is already "in use" by someone else (namely logged off little me).
How can I reverse this ******** error?

Best regards
Another user fed up with bs DRM






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