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Adobe editions - Zooming in too far after clicking interactive buttons

New Here ,
Nov 20, 2020 Nov 20, 2020

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Hi there,


I'm creating Epubs for the first time and I'm having a bit of an issue with the zoom. When opening up the Epub which I designed, everything looks fine and fits to the screen I'm viewing on. However, when I click on any of the page navigation buttons that I created, the display zooms in 4x.


It appears fine when using the app's own page buttons, so it only seems to acts weird with the buttons I created.


Basic info:

• I created the Epub on InDesign

• Using Adobe Digital Editions on a mac to view it. The Epub appears fine on iBooks, but I want to be able to recommend Adobe Editions for our PC users.

• Fixed-layout Epub set at 1920x1080. The document I'm working with used to live as an interactive PDF so I'm hoping that Epub will allow me to add-in some more exciting interactivity. (So long as I get it all to work)


Any advice would be much welcome!










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