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Autherise new computer

New Here ,
Jul 19, 2021 Jul 19, 2021

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I've spend the last hour trying to get a book on my Kobo reader. Here's what I think is going wrong:

I have an old laptop with digital editions on it, that laptop is authorised.

I tried authorising my new laptop, it wouldn't accept my account because it's already been used on another device.

I then tried to import the ebook into the DE libraryon my new laptop anonymously. That worked, but then I couldn't transfer it to my ereader.

I then tried the process described here: https://community.adobe.com/t5/digital-editions/authorizing-new-computer-with-de3/td-p/8205735

That worked, I now have autherised DE on my new laptop, but I can't import my ebook anymore; it reads: E_LIC_ALREADY_FULFILLED_BY_ANOTHER_USER.

This is highly frustrating; is there any way to save my book or is the ACSM bodged now?






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