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How can I erase an authorisation when I have lost my password and my old e-mail address?

New Here ,
Sep 07, 2020 Sep 07, 2020

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I have switched to a new MacBook Air and get authorization failures. I would like to erase my old account and authorization and establish a new account. This is not possible as my registred e-mail address is not valid and I have forgot my password to ADE. I have tried to delete the program and reinstall etc, but it seems that the authorization was transferred to my new computer. Appreciate any help I can get


I found the right answer by shelleyr82706460 :


In finder, under the Go menu, go to ~/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Digital Editions/ and delete the file <activation.dat>  (under Adobe >Digital Editions).


Thank you shelleyr82706460 !









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