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Loan Token Not Found error msg

Community Beginner ,
Feb 18, 2022 Feb 18, 2022

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Hi all!

I'm now finding that I can't load any books on my Nook Color without getting the ''Loan Token Not Found'' error msg.  Without checking here first, thinking I could ''fix'' it on my own, I've wasted several hours and tried every remedy that I know to do.  Including de-authorizing, uninstalling, deleting, etc...  Nothing is working at this point.  I've even deleted all of the old books on my Nook and have re-registered it.  PLEASE, if someone could help me.  I've seen so many ''fixes'' on here, but I feel like I've tried each one - or atleast most of them.  I also feel like I really just need to start totally over from scratch, but I've messed around so much that I don't know where to begin.  Please, PLEASE someone advise me as to what I should do now!!  I'm an avid reader and am so very frustrated now. 😞


Many, many thanks!!!






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