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Not able to open library books on my Kobo Glo: "Oops! This document couldn't be opened"

Community Beginner ,
Feb 27, 2016 Feb 27, 2016

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I am able to read library books in ADE on my Macbook running OSX 10.11.2, and I have no problem transferring files to my Kobo. But when I try to open them on my Kobo, I get the message: "Oops! This document couldn't be opened" due to DRM issues.

My Macbook and Kobo both have the same valid adobe ID authorization. I can also download and open Toronto library books onto my iPad and read them in the Overdrive app. 

I have done a factory reset on my Kobo, ensured that the Kobo is running the latest version, uninstalled and re-installed ADE on my Macbook, deauthorized and reauthorized both my Macbook and Kobo. Nothing has worked.I am stuck!

The problem is recent. Previously I never had any difficulties transferring books from my desktop ADE to my Kobo and reading them on my Kobo.  Do any readers out there have any suggestions?  Thanks






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New Here ,
Jul 25, 2021 Jul 25, 2021

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Having the same issue on Kobo Clara HD. None of the recommended tips worked. Tbere is no way I can open and read a file shared from Overdrive public library on my Kobo.






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New Here ,
Nov 06, 2021 Nov 06, 2021

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This issue has never been fixed. I've tried every workaround/fix out there and sometimes the problem is temporarily resolved but it reverts. From what I read from those seeking support, Adobe blames Kobo OS and Kobo blames the ADE application. Going back to ADE 3.0 might work but it is not compatible with the current M1 Macs so attempting to install it only causes a resinstall of 4.5. ADE is probably the worst Adobe product ever made, and the least supported. (The iOS version is shockingly bad as well.) My only options are to stop borrowing ebooks from my library or buy a new Kobo that has the Overdrive app installed for direct downloads of borrowed books. I resent having to replace a perfectly good device just because ADE doesn't work as it should.





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