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Overdrive, A.D.E., acsm, etc.

New Here ,
Jul 28, 2020 Jul 28, 2020

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I have library cards courtesy of a couple of public libraries that make use of Overdrive.


I word prefer to make A.D.E. my go-to ebook reader (using a Windows laptop.)


Adobe is far worse than non-intuitive. For a company with millions of users, the website seems written by and for PhD's in Computer Science. Just "authorizing" - which I think means getting and registering an Adobe ID - seems more difficult than many routine tasks "in real life." (or has A.D.E. become a "for paying customers only" piece of software?)


I have googled - and I'm proficient at that - for over an hour and have not yet found the "trick." Hope someone can guide/advise/etc. THANKS.






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