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PDF to epub not converting correctly

Jun 29, 2011 Jun 29, 2011

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After I change my PDF to an epub file, it does not look the same. I have two photos per page in the PDF, and when it converts to epub it shows only one picture per page with double the amount of pages?




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Jun 29, 2011 Jun 29, 2011

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How are you converting it to epub? Acrobat doesn't export to epub.




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Jun 29, 2011 Jun 29, 2011

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I am converting it in Adobe Buzzword.




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Community Expert ,
Jul 01, 2011 Jul 01, 2011

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Use the forum for Adobe Buzzword:





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New Here ,
Aug 07, 2020 Aug 07, 2020

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It does that but it does'nt maintain the original format.




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New Here ,
Jul 06, 2011 Jul 06, 2011

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Try Calibre. It's an open source ebook management app that organizes ebooks and can convert between multiple formats.




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New Here ,
Jun 16, 2012 Jun 16, 2012

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Yes, Calibre works very well in my experience BUT it doesn't work if you buy something in pdf and the Seller put a DRM on it.




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Engaged ,
Jun 17, 2012 Jun 17, 2012

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Nor should it do anything differently than any other software package. DRM

is implemented the same way across the board.





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New Here ,
Jun 21, 2012 Jun 21, 2012

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In some ways I agree with the theory of DRM...just not the practice if the original format doesn't work when told it does.  That's the equivilent of stealing isn't it?  Charging for something that the Buyer can't use.  If you have purchased something, believing that it will work and disappointed when it doesn't shouldn't there be a solution for the end user or is it just written off by the companies that have that in the software?    Bottom line is $$$ for any company...but customer satisfaction, support...are those things no longer important to companies?   Individuals that buy software that have this ability should be able to use it but when it's used to cheat as a scam, why is finding help a challenge?  The End User did nothing wrong but with all the technology out there...there's no real reason something can't be done to help us. 

It's not right nor is it fair...but no one who can 'fix' it really cares do they. 




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Engaged ,
Jun 22, 2012 Jun 22, 2012

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I may become a PITA for you, but I think you need to step back and

determine how you started this process.....

.pdf is a file format that's been used for documents for what seems like

forever. It has many limitations, and for that reason, other formats for

epublications were developed. Those formats permit more flexibility in

formatting text, illustrations and colors that .pdf does. Adobe developed

the 'epublication' format (.epub) many years ago, and it's one of the

standards in the industry. There are very few companies that publish

ebooks that don't have an .epub version available.

I don't know why you chose .pdf format for the ebooks you downloaded. The

results seem unsatisfactory (!). You say 'the original format doesn't

work' , but you chose it - perhaps not knowing how limited a .pdf file is,

and on the faith that the NOOK supports .pdf. Digital Editions does also,

but within limitations, because it does not incorporate all of the features

found in Adobe Reader software (which is designed to handle .pdfs). So,

there's no telling whether the ebooks you purchased in .pdf are using

features not supported by either the NOOK or Digital Editions - until you

run into a problem.

This 'feature' problem is compounded by conversions. You have no idea when

you start whether the program you're going to use will do the job correctly

because you don't know what .pdf features are incorporated in the original

ebook. Slowly, step by step, we go down the rabbit hole...





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New Here ,
Jun 26, 2012 Jun 26, 2012

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Yes, you're right about the different formats available.  BUT, pdf is what I was given so not being able to use it, to read more than one word on a line isn't unreasonable.  However, I know that other people that have Nooks just rebuy the item after trying to fix the problem.  I don't have that kind of disposable income.  Most people look for deals and it a great opportunity for scammers to take advantage of that....but when 57 books from on author are set up that way....and youi have several authors it's difficult to understand why there is no help. 

Again...more exercises in futility and fustration.




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Engaged ,
Jun 28, 2012 Jun 28, 2012

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I feel for you, Jena. The technologists who do this don't think of those






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Feb 20, 2013 Feb 20, 2013

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BUT it doesn't work if you buy something in pdf and the Seller put a DRM on it.

I agree with this comment and your points in post 8 about the practice of DRM.

There are DRM strippers such as epubee. 

You can then use the best converters available to escape from the inappropriate .pdf format.

The legal case of using these strippers is not clear and varies from country to country.

However, the moral case seems pretty clear.

They should not be used for breaking the intent of the DRM (eg for sharing copies with other people).

However, their use is completely justified in cases where the DRM implementation is faulty, as it is in many ways with Adobe DRM, to enable books to be read in an appropriate manner.




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New Here ,
Feb 02, 2012 Feb 02, 2012

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You can use some pdf to epub converter for mac or windows. Goole "pdf to epub converter" or "pdf to epub converter mac". There may be more useful informations for you.




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Feb 01, 2021 Feb 01, 2021

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have figured out that many people are having a problem with converting pdf into epub, mobi etc as the it doesnt keep the formatting. The best way that works includes merging the pdfs into one pdf and then the one pdf ,into png and then merging all the png into one pdf again..
You'll need two programs for this operation:
pdf24 and Calibre.

heres how i figured out how you can do this.. :

Stage 1 Create word docs (doc or docx)- convert them to pdf

Stage 2 open: pdf24 program
convert pdfs from stage 1) into separate png (300dpi and quality 100) and save in a folder .

Stage 3 then:
in pdf24: import pngs and make 1 'pdf : 'images to pdf'

Stage 4 Open Calibre
Click add books - import pdf (from stage 3 ) may take a moment
5 Change the details of the book: title, author, publisher
6 Select the book (pdf) and then select convert

Stage 7 another window will pop up; and from the top right select the output file 'epub'
Change the details of the book: title, author, publisher if it hasnt done already

Stage 8 Select ok and wait ...

Stage 9 on the original window under the book cover, it should read Formats:PDF, epub.

Stage 10 Click the 'drop down icon on the geen view icon (top bar) select view specific format; 'view as epub'

this worked for me !




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