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I have been plagued with the same problems as many others, and any fixes only last a while. But the other day I happened to re-start my Kobo-Glo, and saw a reference to Overdrive, the security system that my local library uses. I found (for the first time) that the complete borrowing process could be perfomed on the Kobo over wifi, so no ADE is required. I have no idea how long this capability has been there, but I for one won't be using ADE ever again if I can help it!
I hope this helps someone - and if you all knew already, why did no-one tell me? Martin the slow.
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oops! Sorry for getting your hopes up - I used to have a Glo, it was lost and my daughter bought me what I thought was another - but its an Aura, and AIUI, Overdrive has been available on that since the get-go. So I'm even slower than I thought!
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Not all Kobo devices have OverDrive as part of the firmware. I have an Aura, and it does not, so i still need ADE. What was the solution you mentioned? Even if it works for a short while, it is better than nothing.