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Unable To Open Epub books on a Kobo

New Here ,
Nov 23, 2017 Nov 23, 2017

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Good afternoon,

The Problem:

Every time I download an .epub book from my local library, it downloads as a .acsm (Adobe Content Server Manager) which is not a problem.  So I open the file using Adobe Digital and then drag the .epub book to my Kobo.  Unplug my Kobo and try to open the book on the Kobo and I get a message about can't view content because not authorized please contact adobe for more help.

Things I've Tired already:

1) I have deauthorized both the computer and kobo and then authorized again then attempted to drag epub on kobo and I get the same error message

2) I have taken the .epud (which adobe digital created) and converted it to either a PDF or Text file using numerous conversion softwares.  This also did not work

3) I have contacted my local library seeking help and they stated "this is an adobe issue"

4) did an online chat with an adobe person (twice) and the only suggested they made was to start my own online forum, so here we are.

5) tired to open the .epud (which adobe digital created) in calibre but says there is an error with the epub

6) i went as far as opening the .acsm in calibre (just for fun) and for obvious reasons that didn't work

7) in calibre I tired changed the format (PDF or TEXT) and got an error about it having a DRM

8) used different software to try and remove the DRM from the epub. none of which worked


I would really like to be able to transfer books on my kobo and be able to read them where ever I want.  I have ran out of ideas in regards how to fix this issue.  any suggestion would be helpful at this point.





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Community Beginner ,
Sep 13, 2020 Sep 13, 2020

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Hmm, came upon this "forum" after a google search on this topic.  Obviously, no one had anything useful to say to your question over the last three years.  I have used Kobo for many years, but recently have come upon your same issue with two accounts on two different computers on two different Kobo e-readers.  So, did you ever get your Kobo to successfully transfer a epub (I assume you meant epub, not epud) library book?  I have done factory resets, firmware updates, deauthorize/reauthorize, deleting the book, and redownloading, etc, etc.  None of the offered "fixes" have worked.  The only thing I am now considering is going to a different brand of e-reader, but what brands even exist anymore? (I know Amazon's Kindle won't read epub)

So let me know if there is a fix for this ridiculous "your Kobo isn't authorized for Adobe Digital Rights Management" when it clearly is authorized.  These are different library books on two different computers with a Kobo Mini authorized on one and a Kobo Aura authorized on another one.

Nice way to chase away potential customers, especially when we're stuck at home during a global pandemic.  Thanks Adobe.

posting for: kdterlesky@shaw.ca and my wife's kdterlesky@gmail.com accounts.





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New Here ,
Jan 12, 2023 Jan 12, 2023

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I'm facing exactly the same problem and regularly try to find a solution to this. I did almost the same attempts as you did, including reinitializing the reader, manually removing the folders related to adobe digital reader, etc... Nothing helps and it looks like both Adobe and Kobo don't care about this. I'm also considering moving to another brand. I heard people using Tolino e-reader and at leat they have no problems with e-book files in LCP format, which is probably not relying on Adobe services to authorize the reading.




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