Add custom model to models library.
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How can I add my custom model to AD? I don't want to import it but add to models library forever on left hand side in Adobe Dimmension. I can't find this option inside top menu bar. I tried to add my model to the folder "\Adobe Dimension CC\resources\common\scene-assets\models\primitives\MY_MODEL_FOLDER_NAME" it works but thumb is not showing Is there no other option to do it using program interface?
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Hello! Dimension's asset panel is not designed to be imported to at the moment. It's static content that will be replaced each time we update Dimension so if you put your own content into the folder it will be deleted with a new install. We have plans to improve asset management in Dimension, but currently there's no way to permanently add to the library.
I recommend checking our Feedback & Voting​ site. This idea has been posted and you can vote, track progress, and get status updates there. Here's a link to the idea for adding custom assets to Dimension.
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ohhhh, It's too bad OK, so I waiting for update. Thanks.
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is this still unable to save my .obj files on dimension permanently?
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Now you can! I checked few minutes ago. YEAH!!!!
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omg how do i do it?!
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Do You have latest version? Just check under File (top menu), there is option "import 3D". Check the photo below
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Import 3D does NOT add your models to Dimension's Asset panel permanently. That is just importing the document to your scene for use in your current project.
There is currently no approved way to add models to the Asset panel. Technically it is just a folder in the Application resources so you can drop models in there, but they will be overwritten when you install a new version as it's part of our installation process.
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Has this still not been addressed? Adobe Dimension seems "neat" but hardly practical for production purposes if you cannot save your models in a library.
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you can save your models in a Photoshop library if you need a backup of the model in Obj format
you still can not add models to Dimension [without hacking the ui] or as Dimension usable library files... to be clear, images are allowed but not models
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Adobe still hasn't fixed this.
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Would be great if Adobe could add this option. Would be a great improvement.
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Adobe did add this option guys
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I belive they removed that function agin. 😞
Adobe can you please make this work for us, would help Alot!
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Oh my - I already thaught I am insane because I could not make it work again. I am searching the interwebs since 2 hrs to figure out whats wrong. I hope they bring it back in. Its a pain i d a to export and import all the time especially when you are experimenting.
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Don't work at the moment! Why Adobe? 😞
Please we need that. >> Update please.
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I'm selecting models in my dimension canvas, but the + at the bottom of my custom CC Library (showin in your screenshot) is greyed out. I've tried multiple files and nothing.
The models I'm using are purchased right from Adobe Stock. I open them in Dimension, color, texture, and label them. I want to save that into my CC Library. Any idea how (or when) we can do this? Would streamline my work across the 3D team greatly!
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So this is interesting. As I mentioned, I'm purchasing my models right from Adobe Stock. Once purchased, I can click save to library within the model's page on and it'll save to my CC Library. This is only half a solution for me though, because it's just adding the naked model into my CC Library. I'd like to color, label, texture these models and THEN add them into my CC Library.
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Hi! Is there anything new about this feature to permanently add our own 3d models to the library / assets? Any timeline about adding this? It would be really great to have this (small but handy) feature. 🙂