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To import into Dimension, or I can create a 2D object with the views, Front, Left view, Right and Bottom and convert to 3D. For example in Illustrator and save in .OBJ?
How can I create a 3D base?
1 Correct answer wrote
To import into Dimension, or I can create a 2D object with the views, Front, Left view, Right and Bottom and convert to 3D. For example in Illustrator and save in .OBJ?
How can I create a 3D base?
Adobe Fuse makes an obj file that you can import to Dimension but this will only be a T-pose
in most senarios you are better to send that to your CC lib using the (top right) button and then you can open it from there into your Photoshop... the point of t
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Copied wrote
To import into Dimension, or I can create a 2D object with the views, Front, Left view, Right and Bottom and convert to 3D. For example in Illustrator and save in .OBJ?
How can I create a 3D base?
Adobe Fuse makes an obj file that you can import to Dimension but this will only be a T-pose
in most senarios you are better to send that to your CC lib using the (top right) button and then you can open it from there into your Photoshop... the point of that is that it adds a bone structure that allows you to pose the model
Edit; to export an obj from Photoshop you select the model layer (it will tend to add a lot of guidelines) and goto the 3d menu bar... select export from there (not save as) and set the file type to wavefrontOBJ... be sure to have a tick in textures for Fuse made models so you get all the colours in the outfits and not just a grayscale
if you send it to Mixamo then you have more options for animation but the download will be fbx file which is what most animation software i.e, Blender, Iclone and Maya like to use... these can all then export as a obj files but pure Adobe software is very limited for 3d options so thats prob why they want to make Dimension?
demo vimeo showing Photoshop import;
so to recap, the full workflow is;
- open Adobe Fuse and make a model you like... give him or her hair, clothes etc
- send this model to CC lib using the ui button
- open Photoshop and then open the Fuse model from your CC lib
- select the bone layer from the 3d panel of Photoshop and pose the model as you want... I recommend you rendor but its not 100% needed
- export this new posed model as an obj to your local machine
- open Dimension and import the obj into your project... notice that obj models from Photoshop tend to be VERY big and you have to scale them back a bit for most senarios
good luck and have fun
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I just know I thought it would have a simpler shape. I had to learn how to operate Blender to make the opening of my video about the book I wrote and I edited "Images & Colors from creation to production". It was a childbirth started rendering on Friday at 11:00 p.m. and ended at 10:00 p.m. on Sunday.
Take a look and if possible give me your feedback because I am graphic design.
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Copied wrote
It was a childbirth started rendering on Friday at 11:00 p.m. and ended at 10:00 p.m. on Sunday.
As a rule of thumb rendor = bigger cpu is best
So ime if it takes you 2 hours to rendor with an i7 then allow 4 hours for the same rendor in i5 wrote
Take a look and if possible give me your feedback because I am graphic design.
As for the video I would have spent more time making the book look like a book instead of a box
I'd also want to play with the reflections more so I'd prob try a fancy silver tray and have some other small object like a pen or glasses to highlight how the light plays off them as the book rotates around. Ok less is more but a small object orbiting the big one does draw the eye better as long as its clear that the book IS the focus of the display wrote
the book I wrote and I edited "Images & Colors from creation to production"
Spell check;
The title of your book translates as;
- Imagens & cores
- Images & colors (US spelling)
- images & colours (English spelling)
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My friend was good for the tips, but he knows who is learning to play a software and can make a simple move, ahahah, and gets all excited, so I thought the video was good, but his comments made me think, really open in a table, with a piece of a monitor and keyboard after the presentation I think it would look interesting.
As for the translation I did not have an English version and did yesterday with the help of Google, kkkk.
I'll make the changes, Thanks again
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Researching checked which colours is the British English form and colors are the American
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I just know I thought it would have a simpler shape. I had to learn how to operate Blender to make the opening of my video about the book I wrote and I edited "Images & Colors from creation to production". It was a childbirth started rendering on Friday at 11:00 p.m. and ended at 10:00 p.m. on Sunday.
Take a look and if possible give me your feedback because I am graphic design.
Livro Imagens & Cores da criação à produção - YouTube
By Chico Crevin
3D effects enable you to create three-dimensional (3D) objects from two-dimensional (2D) artwork. You can control the appearance of 3D objects with lighting, shading, rotation, and other properties. You can also map artwork onto each surface of a 3D object.
There are two ways to create a 3D object: by extruding or revolving. In addition, you can also rotate a 2D or 3D object in three dimensions. To apply or modify 3D effects for an existing 3D object, select the object and then double-click the effect in the Appearance panel.Extruding extends a 2D object along the object’s z axis to add depth to the object. For example, if you extrude a 2D ellipse, it becomes a cylinder.The object’s axis always lies perpendicular to the object’s front surface and moves relative to the object if the object is rotated in the 3D Options dialog box.Revolving sweeps a path or profile in a circular direction around the global y axis (revolve axis) to create a 3D object. Because the revolve axis is vertically fixed, the open or closed path that you revolve typically needs to depict half of the desired 3D object’s profile in a vertical and front-facing position; you can then rotate the 3D object’s position in the effect’s dialog box.Applying the 3D Revolve effect to one or more objects simultaneously revolves each object around its own axis. Each object resides in its own 3D space and can’t intersect other 3D objects. Applying the Revolve effect to a targeted group or layer, on the other hand, revolves the objects around a single axis.
For unconstrained rotation, drag a track cube face. The front of the object is represented by the track cube’s blue face, the object’s top and bottom faces are light gray, the sides are medium gray, and the back face is dark gray.
To constrain the rotation along a global axis, hold down Shift while dragging horizontally (global y axis) or vertically (global x axis). To rotate the object around the global z axis, drag in the blue band that surrounds the track cube.
To constrain the rotation around an object axis, drag an edge on the track cube. The pointer changes to a double-sided arrow , and the cube edge changes color to identify the axis around which the object will rotate. Red edges represent the object’s x axis, green edges represent the object’s y axis, and blue edges represent the object’s z axis.
Enter values between –180 and 180 in the horizontal (x) axis , vertical (y) axis , and depth (z) axis text boxes.
To adjust the perspective, enter a value between 0 and 160 in the Perspective text box. A smaller angle is similar to a telephoto camera lens; a larger lens angle is similar to a wide-angle camera lens.
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here are the Adobe software that creates OBJ files:
- Adobe Dimension
- Adobe Fuse
- Adobe Animate
- Adobe XD
- Adobe Photoshop
- Adobe Illustrator
- Adobe After Effects
- Adobe Substance Painter
- Adobe Substance Designer
OBJ files are a type of 3D file format that can be used to store 3D models. They are a popular format for sharing 3D models between different software applications.
The following Adobe software can export OBJ files:
- Adobe Dimension
- Adobe Fuse
- Adobe Animate
- Adobe XD
- Adobe Photoshop
- Adobe Illustrator
- Adobe After Effects
- Adobe Substance Painter
- Adobe Substance Designer
To export an OBJ file from Adobe software, follow these steps:
- Open the 3D model in the Adobe software.
- Click on the "File" menu.
- Click on the "Export" option.
- Select the "OBJ" file format from the list of file formats.
- Click on the "Save" button.
The OBJ file will be saved to your computer.
Here are some additional information about OBJ files:
- OBJ files can store 3D models with vertices, faces, and textures.
- OBJ files are a popular format for sharing 3D models between different software applications.
- OBJ files can be opened in a variety of 3D software applications, including Blender, Maya, and 3ds Max.
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i see the spammers are back... well if Adobe doesn't care why should we
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A printable Periodic Table is a convenient tool that allows you to have a physical copy of the elements' arrangement and information at your disposal. Here are some steps you can follow to obtain a printable version: Samagra ID Portal
Search online: Numerous websites offer printable versions of the Periodic Table. Open your preferred search engine and look for "printable Periodic Table."
Choose a reliable source: Make sure you select a reputable website or educational resource that provides accurate and up-to-date information. It's essential to use a reliable source to ensure the correctness of the data on the table.