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Right, why does my image not show in the web browser preview nut show perfectly in the DW preview?
It only affects one page, it is a JPG file, the browser is MS Edge. If it affected every page it would make more sense, but every other page with images in them are fine, it's just this one page that just will not show the image and & really beginning to lose my patience with this. There is no logic or reasoning whatsoever for this.
In the browser preview, there should be an image above the whitebox - which cover up proprietary information, as you can see in the DW preview, there's an images.
Yes, I;ve saved the documents, yes I;ve refreshed the browser 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 time but it jus't wont show the image!
Really furious right now
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Hi @Deleted User,
Unfortunately, your screenshots don't tell us anything. It could be that your image is the problem -- saved with CMYK instead of sRGB color mode. Or it might be that the image hasn't been optimized properly and the browser can't display it. Of it could be a bad path, or a dozen other issues.
If you want help from this forum, please post the URL to your problem page online so we can take a look at everything with our browser developer tools.
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"Unfortunately, your screenshots don't tell us anything.."
Really, Nancy? My screenshots don't tell you anyting? Yes, Nancy because guess what, they don't tell me anyting either, why do you think we're having this conversation? Why do you think I have taken to the time come onto this forum? Because if the screenshots did tell me anything, the problem would have been solved 20 years ago.
1) The image has been optimised properly (1020 x 400px),
2) It's a JPG formatted image,
3) the image is displayed on exactely the same template on another page with no issues, so it's not a bad path, & it has been optimised properly.
An absolutely ridicilous situation.
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@Deleted User,
This is a user-to-user forum, not your whooping post. I'm sorry you're frustrated but we can't possibly help you until you give us something to work with.
When browsers can't display images, there's always a reason for it. A URL to your online page is the best way to get this discussion back on track. If you wish to meet us half-way, great. If not, there's not much more to say.
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I'm willing to meet you more than half way, happy to give you anyting you need. The website is not published as of yet but tommorrow I will pull the HMTL coding and supply this.
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I'm willing to meet you more than half way, happy to give you anyting you need. The website is not published as of yet but tommorrow I will pull the HMTL coding and supply this.
I'm sure someone here will be able to help you out or give you some advice if you do supply an online link to the problem page.
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We don't need you to publish the entire site. If you can upload the problem HTML file and assets to a TEST folder on your remote server that's all we need to see.
When your question is answered, you can delete the TEST folder from your server.
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An absolutely ridicilous situation.
There's no point in getting overly frustrated, web-development requires a lot of patience and a lot of debugging, no matter how experienced or inexperienced you are. Its often quite confusing, especially if you think things should be happening and that arent, that's when a second pair of eyes may be able to identify and correct the issue, or confirm an issue exists. For this to happen access to the code is required, screen-shots, as you have been informed do not contain much useful informationn in terms of solving the issue.
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Right, why does my image not show in the web browser preview nut show perfectly in the DW preview?
The answer lies within the code. You show me yours and I'll show you mine.