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I'm coming back to work on a site I built about 15 years ago using PHP and the database behaviors. I gather those are no longer part of DW.
What is the current advice for how to update them, as what I had no longer works.
Hi @BROnstott ,
We would like to clarify on the solutions provided. Firstly we would want you try installing the add-on from Creative Cloud Desktop App --> Marketplace tab or by accessing the web link provided so that the panels start appearing in the already installed Dw 2021 build.
Secondly, if you choose to try the prerelease build then as a pre-requisite you will have to uninstall Dw 2021 build and then install the prerelease build which will appear as 'Adobe Dreamweaver Next' which is t
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The easiest is to use
More difficult is This is what I use.
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with no hesitation, two points... two actions...
First one, to solve you current problem and update anything emmergency, I will revert to an older version of Dreamweaver where the server behaviors were still usable... I will correct anything that need to be corrected and move on on the second one.
if you don't have anymore your installer under hand, from there you should find at least an old trial...
Second action, as Ben suggest you, I will update my web site using more modern approach, recent DW and new extensions...
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If you are going to be working on updating and not rebuilding a 15 year old website then your only option is to roll back to a previous version of Dreamweaver, as has been suggested.
However a 15 year old website sounds like it needs a complete rebuilt to me and if thats the route you take you have 2 options.
1. Buy a database connect/query extention from a third party source. There are a couple of options available.
2. Write your own connection and querying code which is quite simple if you spend a couple of hours going through some youtube videos which address the workflow required.
What you dont want to do is build a new website using the old DW default database server behaviours as these are outdated and are uncompatible with any remote server which deploys php version 6 or higher.
If you are saying your 15 year old website has stopped working this would be as a result of your host updating the version of php to a more recent one, version 6+ in which case you would need to find a hosting provider that offered a version of php 5.6 or less to continue to manage your website using the old DW server behaviours. I believe the DW server behaviours were compatible with php versions 5.6 and less.
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your final conclusion makes sense... PHP is blown up... so the fix must be as you suggest to set back PHP to an older version.
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Hi @BROnstott ,
Thanks for writing to us. Please see if any of the above sugesstions helps you resolve the issue. Alternatively you can subscribe to our pre-release program to try the in-built Databases and Server Behaviors panels in Dreamweaver with build 15333 available for download. The current prerelease build has MySQL and MySQLi interfaces available for database connections.
Please note: Dw prerelease build is provided for unblocking you with your workflow and is used mainly for debug purposes. We do not recommend for production activities since this is a Beta version build. Please try to install the add-on with the below mentioned steps for production purposes.
Also, we have an add-on available in Creative Cloud Desktop App --> Marketplace tab which can bring back the Databases and Server Behavior panels in Dreamweaver. Please see if you can install the add-on 'Server Behavior & Database'.
Add-on web link can be accessed with this link.
Dreamweaver Team
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Hi @B i r n o u ,
Thanks for trying to access the link. This link will be enabled only for new users and will be broken for existing prerelease users.
Have a pleasant day!
Dreamweaver Team
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thanks Nayan, this explains that 😉
have a pleasant day
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Hi @BROnstott ,
We would like to clarify on the solutions provided. Firstly we would want you try installing the add-on from Creative Cloud Desktop App --> Marketplace tab or by accessing the web link provided so that the panels start appearing in the already installed Dw 2021 build.
Secondly, if you choose to try the prerelease build then as a pre-requisite you will have to uninstall Dw 2021 build and then install the prerelease build which will appear as 'Adobe Dreamweaver Next' which is the prerelease version.
Dreamweaver Team
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Thank you. Is there documentation on how to use the new features?
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Thank you
I added the behaviors to my current release. Thank you.
Now if I can just figure out how to use it. My copy of PhP and MySQL is
years old. It needs updating?
Bert Onstott
[Personal information in email signature removed by moderator as per forum guidelines.]
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In my experience, the so called Adobe Add-ons page is a waste of time. I can't believe Adobe hasn't shut it down by now.
Luckily DMX Zone makes the old Macromedia Server Behaviors extension available from their website along with a FREE Extension Manager with which to install it. See links below.
That said, the old MM Server Behaviors were removed from DW for a reason. The code doesn't work on modern servers running PHP 7 or higher. And the connection strings are NOT secure. So please DO NOT USE the deprecated and potentially risky MM Behavior Panels for modern projects. The time for that has long since passed.
Switch to modern PHP and MySQLi (improved) or PDO connections. I 2nd Ben's recommendation of extensions you can use instead. WebAssist's MySQLi extension or DMX Zones' PDO extensions. Your choice.
Good luck with your project!
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That said, the old MM Server Behaviors were removed from DW for a reason. The code doesn't work on modern servers running PHP 7 or higher. And the connection strings are NOT secure. So please DO NOT USE the deprecated and potentially risky MM Behavior Panels for modern projects. The time for that has long since passed.
Switch to modern PHP and MySQLi (improved) or PDO connections. I 2nd Ben's recommendation of extensions you can use instead. WebAssist's MySQLi extension or DMX Zones' PDO extensions. Your choice.
By @Nancy OShea
The current prerelease build has MySQL and MySQLi interfaces available for database connections........
.......Apparently. Not sure why MySQL behaviours still exist in a pre-release version. Does that mean they will be in the final cut whenever it gets released?
Should a prerelease version of a bit of software even be used for production purposes, its likely to still be being debugged, right?
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Nancy -
so the DMX extensions are the old MM ones that are not secure? If so, I certainly won't use them.
Woujd you recommend using the behaviors from the from the add-on or downloading the prerelease and using what has been added to it?
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They are the same as the DMXZone extension. What @Nayan_Kankariya is suggesting, that you stay with the outdated and insecure extensions. Personally I find this offensive.
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What @Nayan_Kankariya is suggesting, that you stay with the outdated and insecure extensions. Personally I find this offensive.
By @BenPleysier
I didnt read it like that as he mentioned there was a mysqli option in the pre release, which l assume can be used, otherwise why the mention. If indeed the suggestion was to use the old outdated server behaviours then they should only be used for maintaining an old website built with them and certainly not for building a new website.
Its unclear if the OP just wants to maintain an old website built 15 years ago with the old server behaviours or completely rebuild it.
As l read it the OP has options, either bring back the old server behavious panel into the lastest version of DW and continue to manage the old website, download the pre-release and use the mysqli option should the OP want to rebuild the website from scratch using the mysqli option, or buy a third party extension for DW and build the website from scratch.
All this without knowing if the OPs website has stopped working, as was suggested in the initial post, as a result of the remote host server being updated to a version of php that doesnt work with DWs old server behaviours or if something else has stopped working
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What you said OS makes sense, but the fact that Dreamweaver (prerelease) can work with both MySQL and MySQLi does not mean that it can convert from one to the other... and therefore it might be more chaotic than helpful for the OP.
For what I read, this means either you stay as it is (with all that entails) or you move forward, but starting from scratch and being a beta version we are not sure that tomorrow it will be integrated...
it's clear that, OS, what you had planned for the PHP version makes a lot of sense, and is likely to be the trap door that the OP fell into...
so the solution, if not to start from scratch would be to convert MySQL to MySQLi with third party tools... (for the bulk of the work)...
well depending on the volume of the site, online tools like (I haven't tested it in real production conditions... but it exists, I had prospected it at the time), otherwise old stuff like YAK are not bad at all... it sometimes requires opening the hood, but it helps (I used it on a large site, and the person who used it is not a coder... well, as I said, sometimes it was necessary to intervene here and there)
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What you said OS makes sense, but the fact that Dreamweaver (prerelease) can work with both MySQL and MySQLi does not mean that it can convert from one to the other... and therefore it might be more chaotic than helpful for the OP.
By @B i r n o u
I wasnt suggesting to convert a 15 year old website using mysql to mysqli or mix and match mysql and mysqli which of course you can if youre creating additional new pages but as you say it might becoming confusing.
Depending on why the website has stopped working you can either continue to update it using the old DW server behaviours if the server the website is hosted on is not using a php version greater than 5.6
If the website is hosted on a server running php version 6 (I think version 6, but certainly version 7 or greater) then any page of the website using mysql wont work so you have to use mysqli or pdo
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Thanks everyone. To clarify, I am updating a website that has been unused for sometime, bringing it up to html5 and current standards. So I think what makes sense here is to use the pre-release and use mysqli. I can recreate the database connectors.
Thanks for all the advice.
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Hi @BROnstott,
1. I would NOT use a prerelease version for production.
2. Your entire site will need to be recoded with modern code because you cannot combine new code with old code.
Good luck!
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Hi, I am using the latest beta of DW Next, and I do not see Server Behaviors or Database options in the Window menu dropdown.
I wanted to try this out as I am interesting in using mysqli queries and such to update an old website.
I have been struggling through with CC2017 and currently have that installed as well.
Is there a conflict to have both installed at the same time?
Thanks for any assistance!!
- A
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Try build 15333
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Yes, Amazing.. I would have assumed that if on build had these features, the next build would also. Silly of me to assume, eh?
But, Thanks for quick response. Much Appreciated!!!
- A
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The server behaviors have been put on the backburner to concentrate on bug fixes and perfomance improvements as I understand it ...