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I just installed the deprecated Server Behaviors on my brand new Dreamweaver CC, since I use a lot PHP/MySQL stuff
Site configuration is ok: I did it hundreds of time before, and you can see the screenshots below (sorry, it's all in Italian but I'm sure you'll get the idea)
Now, when I click to create a new recordset, I get a "*** No table found" message in the "Table" dropdown:
Then I go to review my Connection (parameters all all correct):
And clicking on "Test" I get this error:
That is the same error found here:
The site is perfectly working: typing "http://puntoedilesrl/" in the browser I see it shining
What I tried so far:
Great improvement, Adobe!
I got in touch with Adobe Online Chat but... "Sorry, you have to talk to a DW Specialist, you'll find him in 4 hours"
Any help, please?
Thanks in advance
Please have a look on similar threads
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Please have a look on similar threads
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Thanks, bgupta16: the sentence:
I hope you have copied the "mysql.php" and "MMHTTPDB.php" files from "C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Dreamweaver CC\locale\Configuration\Connections\Scripts\PHP_MySQL\_mmDBScripts" to "C:\xampp\htdocs\phptest\_mmServerScripts"
did the trick!
So we have to manually copy these file now? In previous DW versions they were copied automatically...
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The files in question, "mysql.php" and "MMHTTPDB.php" does not excist on my computer. There are different paths suggested in different threads on this forum, but none of them contain the fles. I have also searched for them. Can someone please help me with this? Maybe copy the content and paste it here, then I can make a php-file from it myself.