- Hold down Cmd + Option + Shift while launching Dreamweaver.
- In the Reset Preferences dialog box, click Yes.
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BUG - Dreamweaver 2021 - Mac OS 12.6.1 - using space bar while typing forces HTML page to CLOSE. Unable to use 'space' bar while typing in Code view and Design view.
Thanks for troubleshooting, @HWurst .
This is known Monterey problem. Disable Full Keyboard Access in Monterey's Accessibility settings.
I'm loath to suggest upgrading to Ventura (or any new OS) until we know what the bugs & security issues are. Historically, Apple has been quick to release new stuff but slower than a snail about delivering patches. 😕
Hope that helps.
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I just gave it a try and I didn't have any issues. Maybe one of the prefrence files is corrupt and needs to be deleted.
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Thank you, Daniel.
Been so long since I've deleted a corrupted preference file I've forgotton how to do that. Do I just drag the file from Library to the desktop and then restart my Mac, which will rebuild that preference file? And which file (see circled items in screenshot below):
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you can drag those to the trash, then restart Dreamweaver
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WAIT! Before you delete anything:
To restore Preferences on a Mac.
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Hi Nancy -
First of all THANK YOU, for your concern and help... but the plot thickens after answering your pertinent questions.
• Restarted computer (twice, last night as well)
• Space bar works in Apple Mail, text edit, and Apple Pages... BUT NOT in any text editor set to HTML, including BBEdit and a new download of Brackets (Mac v 2.1.2... or any other current Adobe app.
• Space bar does NOT work in any Dreamweaver view (Code, Design or Live) for any existing HTML files; checked multiple HTML pages on more than one of my sites.
• Yes, HTML is the code (in Dreamweaver, BBEdit, Brackets
• Yes, I did try to reset preferences (thanks for How to do that!)
No problems with space bar before very recent updrade to Mac OS 12.6.1 and because this is happening in OTHER Adobe 2023 apps (PSD and AI) and was not a problem before now, I am beginning to think this might be a Apple MacOS Monterey 12.6.1 problem.
I also check W3C validator for the new HTML files I was strugging with yesterday and there are no code errors, and the pages do perform as /usual/expected on the web after I created code in text edit and pasted into Dreamweaver.
Do you think this problem would 'go away' if I upgraded to the new Mac OS Ventura 13.0? I hesitate to do so until some of the bugs are worked out, as it just became available? Instead, I opted to update to the current Mac OS 12.6.1.
Here are screenshots of problem in Photoship 2023 and Illustrator showing the alert box when pressing the space bar:
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Please DO NOT TELL people to delete files.
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Thanks for troubleshooting, @HWurst .
This is known Monterey problem. Disable Full Keyboard Access in Monterey's Accessibility settings.
I'm loath to suggest upgrading to Ventura (or any new OS) until we know what the bugs & security issues are. Historically, Apple has been quick to release new stuff but slower than a snail about delivering patches. 😕
Hope that helps.
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Thank you, Nancy!
That fixed the problem, and I do appreciate your time, expertise, and excellent help.
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You're welcome, Heidi. Glad it worked for you. 🙂