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Dreamweaver CC 2017 - what a mess!

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Nov 04, 2016 Nov 04, 2016

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I installed this buggy excuse for an upgrade this morning and have found numerous problems:

Files window - does not open the file i highlight, instead it opens the listing 5 files below it

Copy / Paste - does not insert text into the place where the blinking courser is, instead places it at the top of the document

Properties window - Cannot be expanded to show the entire contents of the window

Drag & drop - does not work correctly

Auto tag closing - will not close a "<p>" tag automatically after typing "</", may or may not close other tags either, just haven't had time to experiment

I've had it. I have relaunched the CS6 version and will continue to use it until some bug fixes have been released.

Reading thru the forums it looks like people are having other troubles that I have not mentioned (ie - code coloring).

Surprised to see that Adobe would release a flagship product that has so many flaws.

Does anyone know when Adobe will start to address all the issues this product is having and release some fixes?




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Community Expert ,
Dec 02, 2016 Dec 02, 2016

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That doesn't really solve the issue - code colouring is limited, no language specific colouring is available (even though standalone Brackets does support it, it's been omitted from the Dreamweaver integration, aside from a few little tricks it's very limited and a retrograde step. I don't think the Dreamweaver dev team have even got a modicum of common sense between them!

Paul-M - Community Expert




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Community Expert ,
Dec 03, 2016 Dec 03, 2016

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That doesn't really solve the issue..

Sure it does. 

...no language specific colouring is available (even though standalone Brackets does support it,

The thing is, I don't need language specific code colors.  I've been coding long enough to the know the difference between HTML, JavaScript & PHP when I see it.    But whatever floats your boat.

If you have made a strong enough case for Mode-Aware code colors, the DW team may include it in a future update.  We'll just have to wait & see.


Nancy O'Shea— Product User, Community Expert & Moderator




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Dec 03, 2016 Dec 03, 2016

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The thing is, I don't need language specific code colors.  I've been coding long enough to the know the difference between HTML, JavaScript & PHP when I see it.    But whatever floats your boat.

Not condescending in the slightest!!!! You seem to make a lot of assumptions. I've been coding for 16 years. I like mode-aware/language specific code colouring options, a lot of people do. Why do we have to workaround Adobe's mess, removal of features and chaos? Themes are not the answer to this problem. All your posts do is detract from the real issues and if the Adobe team are taking cues from a small minority of sycophantic, prolific posters on these forums then its no wonder DW is in a mess. Frankly your sarcastic attitude is quite reflective of Adobe's attitude towards DW, if you're leading the DW fan club no wonder its a mess!

You do NOT represent a large number of unhappy DW users, you can post on here a zillion times and be as upbeat as you want, talk down to people, be condescending or make smart remarks but it won't detract from the mess.


Paul-M - Community Expert




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Community Expert ,
Dec 03, 2016 Dec 03, 2016

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Energize wrote:

Why do we have to workaround Adobe's mess...

We don't.  We all know there are issues and the team is working to correct them.  In the meantime,  file your feature requests and drop back to the previous version if you need to.  Complaining and name calling is not constructive.

As long as we're getting personal, did you participate in the public Beta?  It was open to everyone with an Adobe ID.   Did you take time to evaluate each beta build and then log pre-release bug & feature requests?  Did you participate in the beta discussions?  That's where decisions were made. 


Nancy O'Shea— Product User, Community Expert & Moderator




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Community Expert ,
Dec 03, 2016 Dec 03, 2016

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Just found this, thought I would share

Wappler, the only real Dreamweaver alternative.




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Community Expert ,
Dec 03, 2016 Dec 03, 2016

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Nancy, you are the one getting personal, I find your remarks arrogant, condescending, aloof and rude. You seem to think that because you have have ACP next to your profile you have some kind of superiority, you make a lot of assumptions and think you speak for other people, you do NOT.

Your ACP buddy has jumped in with some extremely immature behaviour for a man of senior years too. If you don't like what I say here on this thread then stay off it.... I think there are plenty of other threads you can hijack and gain more forum awards and acclaims or whatever they are called!!! In short get a life, I'm entitled to my opinion and it just so happens that a lot of people are very unhappy with what Adobe are doing with Dreamweaver, there are just a a small number of people on this forum who want to try and put a positive a spin on things and jump in, hijack and make pathetic comments at every opportunity.

Paul-M - Community Expert




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Dec 03, 2016 Dec 03, 2016

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I'm entitled to my opinion and it just so happens that a lot of people are very unhappy with what Adobe are doing with Dreamweaver

In total agreement! But bringing this up at every opportunity is very boring.

there are just a a small number of people on this forum who want to try and put a positive a spin on things and jump in

Also true!

Have you ever thought of where the many thousands of other Dreamweaver users are? They are called the silent majority who are either happy with the current version of Dreamweaver or are finding positive ways to overcome the (often perceived) shortcomings of Dreamweaver CC2017.

Nobody is telling you that you should not voice your opinion, but don't hijack each and every post with the same negative message.

As a case in point, where I have shown the statement to be totally untrue. The guy is talking Sass for goodness sake and you come up with Less?

Well that confirms my worst fears, Adobe actually haven't got a clue what they're doing with Dreamweaver. I can't help you with SASS but DMXZone do a free LESS extension that auto-compiles on save. You don't need the latest version DW 2017 to use it either.
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Dec 03, 2016 Dec 03, 2016

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So childish it's untrue, stay away from threads if you don't like subject matter ....Have you got soemthing else to be doing or too much time on your hands?

I've no idea why you think offering an alternative solution i.e. a LESS extension to SASS is a problem? Who are are you the ACP police? What makes you think you have the right to jump on a persons thread and talk down to people in your holier than thou fashion? What makes you think you speak for or represent DW users? You seem to have spent too much time on these forums and completely lost your perspective. For a man of your years you also seem to be extremely immature!!

Paul-M - Community Expert




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Community Expert ,
Dec 03, 2016 Dec 03, 2016

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Look whose calling the kettle black!  It is YOU who are hijacking every discussion you can find on this space with your negative spin. First you put down the product because it lacks enough code color options.  OK.  We got it the first 50 times you said it.  Enough already.  

Then you dissed the engineering team. And now you're putting me and my fellow ACPs down.    So you've proved your point.  You have no manners, you're disrespectful of others & your forum etiquette stinks.  Keep it up and see how far it gets you.


Nancy O'Shea— Product User, Community Expert & Moderator




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Community Expert ,
Dec 03, 2016 Dec 03, 2016

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Wow I actually dare disagree with you and you and your ACP buddy gang up on me and hurl insults You Nancy have an unbelievably high opinion of yourself, you have a holier than thou attitude, you assume you know more than others and speak for others (you do NOT) and when anyone dares disagree with you you attack them. You instigated the personal attack on me and your ACP buddy posts pathetic, immature pictures that is the level and standard of etiquette you ACP's have set on this forum not me (although you try to twist it). If somebody is not allowed to vent their concerns and disagree with you the self appointed law makers on this forum, then you dismiss them and call them names that is what happens!

You criticise me and make a reference to 'kettle black' because I post honestly on here that all is not well with DW, yet its OK for you post a post very different message on nearly every thread attempting to put a positive spin on what is a strange path that DW has taken with many problems, you do exactly the same thing with your opinions and it's OK when you do it.

In short if anyone disagrees with your or your ACP buddy's  opinions you attack them call them names and question their character, that is what is happening here.

Paul-M - Community Expert




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