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i completely rewrite the code and create new light and dark theme to.
themes are decently tuned with really professional look!
themes are using extensions! (thanks go to..)
Color The Tag Name (brackets-color-the-tag-name) v5.0.3
GitHub - jzmstrjp/brackets---color-the-tag-name: brackets extension - color the tag name
Indent Guides (brackets-indent-guides) v1.3.11
themes are using active line, then must be enabled. please edit your brackets.json file located in:
C:\Users\~~user~~\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Dreamweaver CC 2018\en_US\Configuration\Brackets (if you use DW CC 2017 then folder is ..CC 2017/en_..)
and add new line: "styleActiveLine": true
.. save
Legacy (light theme), font: Courier New
Earthtone (dark theme), font: Courier New
how to use?
close Dreamweaver.
DOWNLOAD this file, unpack and move the contained folders to:
C:\Users\~~user~~\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Dreamweaver CC 2018\en_US\Configuration\Brackets\extensions\user (if you use DW CC 2017 then folder is ..CC 2017/en_..)
start Dreamweaver and select the preffered theme in EDIT > PREFERENCES > Interface
you use it at your own risk!
I hope you like it ; )
some question? ask!
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Fantastic work.
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Can you help with a problem?
Notice the following EOF section in a .PHP file.
In the old version of DWR it was possible to have code coloring apply this way,
(where HTML within the following setup could be colored).
Any ideas how to pull this off?
for example, is there a way to target:
<!-- ?> -->
Also, please take a look at this JS scheme.
Yours is very close... but I can not get it to be quite the same.
Any ideas here?
Thank you for your consideration in this matter.
You have done a great service to the entire Adobe DWR community with your themes,
they are almost "perfect" (ie: the way it used to be)
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Top - for Germans as well 🙂
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These files saved my day... Thank you for sharing...