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Dreamweaver Erased my files

May 26, 2012 May 26, 2012

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Essentially the statement above. I was working on a website in Dreamweaver for a client (one of the few times I even bother with dreamweaver) and everything was going well  and I was working in my CSS document until dreamweaver froze for a second, and then everything was gone. My entire stylesheet, 6 hours of work, gone. So I closed the program and restarted it and it was still gone. Suffice it to say I am absolutely livid at the moment and I would like to know if there is a way to restore a file erased by dreamweaver? Otherwise is there a way to get a refund for this useless excuse for a program?






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New Here ,
Jan 07, 2013 Jan 07, 2013

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same thing just happened to me, dreamweaver froze and erased all 2000 lines of css, been trying to find a way to get the file back, no success so far, 10-14 days of work, f me.





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Community Expert ,
Jan 07, 2013 Jan 07, 2013

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Diesel, what are your specs?  Mac/Win? What OS? What version of DW? What was the last thing you did when DW froze? Did you get an error log? If so can you post it?





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New Here ,
Jan 07, 2013 Jan 07, 2013

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to SnakeEyez

Windows 7 64, DW CS6, no log, trying to fix the log now ("The Event log service is unavailable. Verify that the service is running."),

i had the css file open then once i put my cursor on the file, dreamweaver flickered and all content of css file got erased. i could not undo or anything, if that matters the css file was attached to project via another css file (main media query file) which did me in as i still had the project open in browser but "save as" only saved the main query css not the ones attached to it, i saved the css file in another location but its missing 800 lines not as bad as i thought, maybe 2-3 days work to restore it. i am getting a backup software asap. anyway thanks!

ps i tried looking into chrome cahce file, its not there.





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Community Expert ,
Jan 07, 2013 Jan 07, 2013

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So sorry for your lost data/time.

Just curious. Were you using Fluid Grid Layouts when this happened?

Nancy O.

Nancy O'Shea— Product User, Community Expert & Moderator





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Jan 07, 2013 Jan 07, 2013

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3 Fixed layouts (desktop/tablet/phone),

i am getting over the shock of losing days of work, just gotta get back on the horse again





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New Here ,
Feb 08, 2013 Feb 08, 2013

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This just happened to me as well.

Dreamweaver CS5.5

Windows 7 Professional, 64-bit

Luckily, it wasn't a major loss for me, but I don't think I want to use this program anymore. Any ideas what this is about? Updates?





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New Here ,
Mar 13, 2013 Mar 13, 2013

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This just happened to me too.

Using Dreamweaver CS6 in Windows 7, 64-bit

I was working on an html page in Dreamweaver and pulled up the css within the file (rather than as a separate tab). I was not using fluid grid layouts.

I hit F12 to preview a small change, and suddenly got a "Dreamweaver has quit unexpectedly" error. The program closed before I could do anything else.

I pulled it back up and the entire css file is blank. Just blank. Nothing. I have no idea what happened and need to step away now.





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New Here ,
Jul 04, 2013 Jul 04, 2013

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I have been going through the same problem from last one week. Jumping from browser to DW and files gets erased.

And today i got a solution for this.

I open another html file along with the main file on which i am working. And DW is working perfectly. It has not erased any file since last 8 hours.

I know its a weired solution but its working for me.





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Adobe Employee ,
Jul 08, 2013 Jul 08, 2013

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We are sorry to know that you are facing problem while previewing document in browser.

I could not reproduce the file content erase. Following are the steps I followed.

1. Launch Dreamweaver CS6 or CC

2. Open a HTML document with a linked CSS document

3. Perform multiple edits and Save operations in the linked CSS document

4. Preview in Browser for each edit(Chrome 27.0.1453.116 m)

5. Switch back to Dreamweaver

Result: CSS document content is intact and is editable by user as expected.

Can you please let me know on the following.

  • Steps to reproduce the content loss even if the issue is intermittent.
  • What type of document you were working on before the content loss happened
  • Is the document in saved status or unsaved status(modifications yet to be saved) while switching to a browser.
  • Which browser are you switching to?
  • What is the Dreamweaver build number("Help Menu->About Dreamweaver" on Windows and "Dreamweaver Menu->About Dreamweaver" on Mac)
  • Is this consistently reproducible.


Yalpi Shiva Prasad





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New Here ,
Aug 12, 2013 Aug 12, 2013

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Hi peeps. I'm currently having the same issue. It's pretty bad, since it's an intermittent problem. I used to believe it was an issue with the firewall. I'm using Total Defense (formerly CA, which is horrible, since it blocks EVERYTHING.) What I did was shutdown the antivirus to see if the problem got resolved. It worked for a few days then it happened again. My other option is to delete the Total Defense antivirus from my computer, but I can't since It's the computer at work. If anyone can confirm it's a firewall issue by uninstalling a firewall related program it would be great, because I could then have some evidence to proof it's actually the firewall. Thanks.





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Explorer ,
Nov 30, 2013 Nov 30, 2013

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I just had the same thing happen to me. I was in the middle of a save when my computer crashed. When I go back to open the dreameaver file that I was working on all the code is gone, completely blank.

Dreamweaver CC, Version 13.1, Build 6443, using fluidgrid layout

Windows 8.1

That is a bummer. Now I have to start over and lost a few days worth of work.

I learned to back everything up on a nightly basis for now on. Live and learn.





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New Here ,
May 07, 2014 May 07, 2014

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I just had the same thing happen to me and lost my 4 hours of work.  DW just crashed when I reopened the file content is blank. I think this some sort of DW FILE LOCK problem because the file size is still 23 kb but no content, it should be 0kb right.  Unable to see anything in notepad, winword,wordpad,notepad++.

Anyhow I lost my precious time, who else to blame.  This is the fourth time I am having this problem.

ADOBE find a solution

My version


Win 7 64 bit





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New Here ,
Jul 25, 2014 Jul 25, 2014

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Same thing happened to me, repeatedly. I second the 'have another document with the same css file linked and it fixes it' though. It hasn't happened since I started doing this.





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New Here ,
Sep 16, 2014 Sep 16, 2014

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This just happened to me too as well and i lost my 2 days of work.  DWCS5.5 just crashed with error "Close the Program" when I was in middle of writing the code in css file, although i save my files in intervals still i lost all the code except the last line i wrote.

When i re-opened my css file, it just had that last line and remaining was blank. i even tried to check the viewsource of my already opened html file & my css was blank.

Now i am left with no choice but to re-code my lost work.

Wish DW had some way to resolve it.





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New Here ,
Dec 04, 2014 Dec 04, 2014

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"losing an entire file via a freeze event in Dreamweaver."

this just happened to me. absolutely no reason. I was editing HTML, deleted a link, all of the sudden it deleted much more than the link, then froze and crashed. When I reopened the file, all but 3 lines were deleted (there were thousands before that). I can't view-source either, as that shows there is no longer any HTML... Beyond furious...





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Community Expert ,
Dec 04, 2014 Dec 04, 2014

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Sorry for your loss of data.  Do you have a complete copy of that file somewhere -- on your remote server or a backup drive that you can revert to? 

Nancy O.

Nancy O'Shea— Product User, Community Expert & Moderator





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New Here ,
Feb 17, 2015 Feb 17, 2015

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Same issue here Dreamweaver CC, Windows 8.1 power failure. Just lost a file I have been working on day and night for a week.. no backup... beyond furious





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Explorer ,
Apr 19, 2015 Apr 19, 2015

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Dreamweaver deletes all sorts of things on mine all the time. It's kind of ridiculous. For awhile I just thought it was me, and I was screwing something up here and there and deleting things without realizing it. That's not the case! I  have yet to see it delete whole files but today, after working for a few hours last night, I was working other bugs out, but upon veiwing the site in my browser, I noticed my link behaviors on my menu weren't working. I used the browser developer tools to check out my HTML, and all the a href html was gone. Checked my html file in notepad....gone, checked it in dreamweaver....gone. Dreamweaver just decided on its own to delete that stuff.  At this point I have gotten so tired of it that I have been pretty much learning to write all the coding by myself without any of this visual crap just because I have no idea if dreamweaver will just selectively delete things.





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New Here ,
Sep 19, 2015 Sep 19, 2015

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Just had this happen. I save religiously.  My computer overheated and shutoff. When I rebooted my file I was working on was empty. When opened in a text editor, It has a bunch of spaces in it that is all. Day and a half of work gone!!!!!   This is ridiculous, I can't believe you don't have a restore file after crash option on Dreamweaver. You even have a auto-save on this comment box, Come on!  People rely on your product and this can't happen ever and it has been going on for over 3 years. 

My system. DREAMWEAVER CC 2015. Windows 7





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New Here ,
Dec 28, 2015 Dec 28, 2015

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that happen to me today , last night i save my work and i close DWcs6 and today i found all the file empty it's lot of work i lose all my work . the file size still the same but it's full of 0





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Advocate ,
Dec 29, 2015 Dec 29, 2015

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This happened to me once with CS4, but I'm sorry I can't remember any other details. Another time, I was moving a large amount of data to another drive and canceled the operation as it was taking to long. This corrupted my entire User Profile. Luckily, most of the folders and files were still intact and I found them in the C root in a few "FILE0001.CHK" folders. I used a recovery tool to restore them, but it was basically a matter of moving them back to my main profile location. The lesson learned is that any interruption while data is being written to the disk, anything can happen. Before reading this thread, I had thought that all programs were equally vulnerable but it seems that DW doesn't have all the safeguards in place as other programs like Word that auto-saves all the time. I would do just what everyone has already reported, but to sum it up:

1. First, try to open in other programs of type. Make a copy also, then try to open. Don't save other files, reboot or anything that could permanently overwrite corrupted data.

2. Check the properties - does the file size or the size on disk indicate anything other than a blank file? Even if it indicates a blank file, it's still possible that the data has not been erased, and it's just the file header corrupted, not the data.

3, Download a file recovery program. The one I used was a pro version, but fairly easy to use. I'll try to find the one I used and post a link.

4. Follow its instructions to recover the file. It should tell you at the start if it's possible, then take you through the steps. There's a section, if it comes to that, to locate the file fragments and re-assemble them. From what I gathered, data recovery isn't really all that difficult but it can be time consuming - that's why it's so expensive.

Preventative Measures:

Well, the first goes without saying, but resolve the crashing issue. Like any form of troubleshooting, it's about re-creating the problem.

Also, and this is a kind of work-around, disable write-caching on the data disk. By default, internal drives have this enabled an disabled on external drives because it's usually about sudden loss of power.

Another thing to try, is the next time the program crashes (it's actually freezing, crashing is when the programs just abruptly shuts down). just let it go for a while. It's rare, but sometimes, it will work itself out, or it will time out. It is not easy to diagnose, because it's usually caused by a combination of events, even though one program may be the main culprit. And it doesn't matter who you talk to in tech support - they will always blame the other guy, although in some cases they are correct when it comes to third party extensions and add ons.





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New Here ,
Jan 05, 2016 Jan 05, 2016

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So, this happened to me for a second time. Have lost a couple of days good work + I'm away from home where the backup will (hopefully) be saved but i can't access the backup for a week.  Dreamweaver CC 2015.0 release, windows 10, Surface pro 2. Saved the file, assumed the save was complete then pressed the sleep button. Was a 2000+ line file. All that remains is an 83.3Kb file. Really isn't good enough, sort it out please.





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New Here ,
Jan 26, 2016 Jan 26, 2016

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This just happened to me as well. Dreamweaver CC on OS X 10.11.4.





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Adobe Employee ,
Jan 26, 2016 Jan 26, 2016

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I am asking around to see if there are any specific scenarios in which this happens.





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Community Expert ,
Jan 26, 2016 Jan 26, 2016

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Just a thought... maybe a read/write permissions problem on the drive/site folder.

If enabled, turn off Energy Saving sleep mode in your system settings.

Nancy O.

Nancy O'Shea— Product User, Community Expert & Moderator





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