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Well I have a PHP project that on My localhost displayes the same result than the dinamic preview in Dreamweaver. But it's different than the one on the Device Preview. I am running a Wamp Server. I don't know why, but when I press F12 it is not showing the correct result. This problem is only happening on my PC. On my laptop it's working fine everywhere, dynamic preview, device preview and ont my localhost.
Well my obvious question is, how to resolve this problem, to return to normal my F12 showing the same result as my localhost.
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Could the problem be the browser cache?
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Ben thanks for the answer, just cleaned the cash, but it still doesn't work. Navigation history, images, etc. To be more specific...
on the php page I have this:
<div class="conteiner">
<div class="box">
<div class="oracao-img">
on the CSS page I have the background imageof the class="oracao-img" as copied below.
.oracao-img {
width: 300px;
height: 150px;
background-image: url(../images/oracaomini.jpg);
but the image doesn't load only on the device preview of dreamweaver.
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At least you did not show the correct spelling as in `oração`
As far as the code is concerned and assuming that the spelling is correct (conteiner), I see nothing wrong with the code that you have shown.
Is it possible that you have uploaded the site. In that case it would be best if you give us the link to it.
The only other thing that I can think of is that you have used position: absolute somewhere in your style sheet.
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Well, once again thanks for your time. About the correct spelling, I do not use accentuation on my code, so yes I mean 'oração' withou the special characters.
In matter a fact on the same page I have six others with exactly the same code, just changing the CSS rule name.
No I didn't publish the site yet.
But I believe that if it was an error on the code, it would show in dreamweaver as well as in the Wamp server.
Let me be more precise.
I test the site using Chrome, Edge, Opera and Firefox. When using the Device Preview in Dreamweaver the error happends on Opera and Chrome. When using Edge and Firefox it displaies ererything okay.
But the important note is that in all of the browsers when entering the locahost address all of them displays everything okay. It only happends with the device preview in Dreamweaver.
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The problem could be coming from Adobe's preview servers, somehow.
If you are using a local testing server, Device Preview becomes redundant as far as a workflow goes. There's really no reason to involve Adobe's servers in your preview process if you have a local server.
It's very simple to set up.
1. Store your local site's root folder within your server root. With XAMPP, it looks like this...
all other site files...
...where "mysite1" is whatever you named your site's local root.
2. Right click your local server icon and choose Run As Administrator, then turn the server on
3. You then access your site, from any device on the same network, by using your testing server's local network IP address followed by the site root...
That will give you the most accurate representation of your site, as long as your local and remote servers are running the same version of PHP, and bypass running your page through Adobe's servers.
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I agree with Jon. Real-Time Preview doesn't play nice with my local testing server (Wamp) so I turn off RTP in DW Preferences.
Edit > Preferences > Real-Time Preview > ☒ Default to Static Browser Preview. Hit Apply button. F12 will now display the page as it appears on your localhost, not Adobe's servers. Hit F5 to refresh browsers. Empty and close browsers on mobile phones.
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Really interesting ideia! I am going to try. But if it is of any confort, the project without doing anything started rendering correctly. But your Jon_Fritz_II, it's very usefull to preview the project in mobile phone or tablet. Thanks. I use WAMP. Do you know if it is the same?
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I think the root folder for WAMP is the www folder, if I'm not mistaken.
Someone should be along to tell you for sure.
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