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Curious to know if anyone has any code/info on creating a drap and drop quiz in HTML5.
Much Thanks!
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This will require a combination of web technologies.
Have a look at Adobe Edge Preview.
Nancy O.
Alt-Web Design & Publishing
Web | Graphics | Print | Media Specialists
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Hi Nancy,
Thanks for the info...I've been working on other projects using Edge...very cool tool. Don't have enough wherewithall to get it to do DnD quizzes.
I spied an HTML5 DnD demo by Remy Sharp...'s keen and also works in IE, but again, I'm looking for DnD quizzing functionality in HTML5 (maybe it doesn't exist yet?) and I don't have the skills to create it.
Thanks for any help.
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Anyone know where one can purchase the code/template for a drag and drop quiz?
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What do you mean by a drag and drop quiz? Got any links to online examples of what you've got in mind?
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Hi John,
Thanks for the reply...what I'm looking for is something akin to this...
but html5 driven not flash .swf.
The first thread here mentions Remy Sharp's html5 drag and drop, but I need it to be a quiz format i.e. if you drop the wrong object on the target you get a 'try again' comment and if you're correct, there's a 'congrat's comment.
I also found some DnD scripts on
The dhtmlgoodies are closest to what I need, quiz/response-wise, but am worried their code might not be performable on ipad iphone platforms so am looking for native HTML5 code/templates/...
Let me know if this doesn't make sense and I can come up with other examples.
Much Thanks!
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Unless you're prepared to build this from scratch, I don't think you will find an off the shelf solution.
I would start with jQuery which is well supported by x-browsers including Apple iDevices.
Best of luck,
Nancy O.
Alt-Web Design & Publishing
Web | Graphics | Print | Media Specialists
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Much Thanks, Nancy!
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Hi Nancy
I found the jquery UI and the essential guide and can get that all to work when just creating html. When I try to use it from within Edge " draggable" works but "droppable" not. No reaction when executing the droppable related code.
To include the jquery ui capabilities in edge I have added the jquery UI library as resource to the edge preload file and a link to the jquery UI css to the edge html files . Is this wrong and is there maybe a better way to do this?
Thank you! Kevyn
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