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I am trying to use Jquery to create click function on a menu.
using the google cdn library.
The jQuery is not working and shows the following errors:
firstly here is the source code that shows the google library.
This is the error showing in my "scripts.js" file
And in the jQuery.min.js file this error is showing
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Ignore them, or go into preferences and turn off linting.
Dw's linting option is an all or nothing selection, and gives a number of false errors across all documents that it supports.
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I wouldn't worry about the so-called errors yet.
Have a look at JavaScript "use strict" and Strict mode - JavaScript | MDN
The errors in the code do not contribute to your function(s) not working, it must be something else in your code. Without seeing your full code, I cannot help any further.
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well there multiple way to answer... so
1 - concerning the error... the strict use of JS is nothing else than invoquing the strict mode either from the global script either from each function
to invoque the stric usage simply add as a first line
'use strict'
you can learn more there
Strict mode - JavaScript | MDN
2 - now concerning both error 'strict' and strictly equal... concerning jquery... never mind anbd live with...
any way you can get read of those statement by going on DW preferences category Linting
select JS and then edit... you can now edit
line 21 and replace by
"strict" :false,
and line 6
"eqeqeq" : false,
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and last you didn't tell us what is not working in your script...
1 - first you could send us the script and tell what's not working
2 - as you use jquery... probably you will use it in your script... so it will recommand to swap line 7 and 8... load jquery before using it
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Thank you for your help; I have edited the listing as advised which has helped with the "use strict" error, but has incidentally caused many more errors in the jquery.min.js:
I have also changed the lines 7&8 over in source code.
In the browser (google chrome) preview the click function on my hamburger menu is not working, it is supposed to reveal the menu when clicked.
Source Code
Jquery (click function doesn't work in preview)
Stylesheet showing the .expand class.
I am hoping this shows enough information.
Thank you so much for helping.
Much appreciated.
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In the future, never edit your jQuery library.
Replace your link to jQuery with this one hosted on the CDN.
<!--latest jQuery 3-->
<script src="" integrity="sha256-hwg4gsxgFZhOsEEamdOYGBf13FyQuiTwlAQgxVSNgt4=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
Ignore all "code errors" reported in the jQuery library. They are meaningless.
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I don't think that Alice has edited the jquery libs ? where did you see this ?
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"Thank you for your help; I have edited the listing as advised which has helped with the "use strict" error, but has incidentally caused many more errors in the jquery.min.js:"
That's the core jQuery Library.
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I thought that Alice had edited, as I show her, the JS linting preferences which is a listing, ... isn't it ?
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You dont need toggleClass('expand') just toggle(); will do what you require
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problem fixed here :