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So, how does a user load a color palette into DW?
Shouldn't that be done from that window?
Why isn't it?
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So, I created a new HTML page, added an image of my color palette to the page, and repeatedly clicked the eye-dropper, clicked a color from the image, then clicked the + button to add it to the palette in CSS designer, over and over again to compose a palette of our 16 brand colors...
And of course, you simply can't to that, you have to add a class to the image, add a style source, then add a selector to the class first, all in order to even access the CSS designer to perform that mind-numbing, tedious and completely uneccesary operation to simply get a color palette in the workspace...
Once that was completed, I saved my Workspace to ensure that the color palette would be saved... only to have DW crash when editing HTML on the actual page I was previously working on and I bet you already guessed that yes, my color palette vaporized into nothingness whan I re-opened DW. Not part of the workspace?
As is often the case with using Adobe products, user experiences like these are unacceptible, and I wonder if Adobe can explain why their customers can expect to keep paying a subscription every month for this treatment?
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I'm not sure what you're doing exactly but I keep color palettes in Creative Cloud Libraries.
Go to Window > CC Libraries.
Click on a color swatch to save hex value to Clipboard.
Paste color values into your site's stylesheet (CSS file) with Ctrl + V. See screenshot.
Save document (Ctrl + S).
If you wish to add paint chips to the color picker panel, move your cursor over code color value, right-click and select Quick Edit.
Paste value in the color field and hit the PLUS (+) sign. When you're done, save document.
Color Picker
That said, I rarely need the color picker. For me, working directly with code is much faster & more precise than panels.
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In case you're not familiar with them, I should probably mention Adobe Color, Adobe Fonts and saving assets to Creative Cloud Libraries.