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I have Mac OS X 10.7.4 on a MacBook Pro. The menu bar is getting cluttered. I have Adobe Dreamweaver and Photoshop (and Reader). Is it necessary to have the Adobe Updater icon on the menu bar? If it is not necessary (if its function can be otherwise accomplished), I would like to remove it. How is that done? Thank you.
1 Correct answer
Just tested on another machine. CC 2015, Yosemite 10.10.4.
Confirming my steps as well:
- Navigate to: Applications/Utilities/Adobe Creative Cloud/ACC/
- Rename Creative Cloud app to Creative Cloudx -requires password
- Go to menubar and click the AAM icon and select updater
- Click preferences
- uncheck notify me of new updates, icon should disappear from menubar
- rename Creative Cloud app to original name -requires password
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OK. I'll try specifically clicking the AAM icon in the menu bar when I next have a chance.
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This worked wonderfully for me. Thanks all!
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Just tested on another machine. CC 2015, Yosemite 10.10.4.
Confirming my steps as well:
- Navigate to: Applications/Utilities/Adobe Creative Cloud/ACC/
- Rename Creative Cloud app to Creative Cloudx -requires password
- Go to menubar and click the AAM icon and select updater
- Click preferences
- uncheck notify me of new updates, icon should disappear from menubar
- rename Creative Cloud app to original name -requires password
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Yep worked for me... Wow the fact that this is the work around is ridiculous... Thanks adobe...
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I finally was able to try this again with the Adobe Updater in the menubar and it worked for me... it appears to be necessary that you quit Creative Cloud and rename it while the old icon is in the menubar and then launch it from there.
Trying to launch AAM from it's app file gives the error I kept getting.
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Rueez's solution (post 43.) also worked very well for me in July 2015! Thanks for posting this ridiculous work-around...
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much thanks. I *LOVE* adobe
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This works like a charm. Thanks
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Works as described. Thanks.
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Thank you. This worked for me. I had two icons...the old one and the new one, and I couldn't get rid of the old one. But this method worked. Thanks!
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Weird. This dumb workaround worked for me on a new machine I just set up with CC 2015.
Steps I used:
1. Quit CC
2. Renamed CC
3. Clicked on the updater icon in the menu bar
4. Told it to open updater and it opened the old AAM
5. I changed the prefs and the icon went away finally
6. Closed the AAM
7. Renamed CC
8. Opened CC and ran my update with no issues
Hopefully this helps? If you did a fresh install of CC 2015 and you had an error with the AAM, maybe something else is at play.
Also, this is the most stupid bug/feature I've ever seen in my life. I don't understand why AAM still needs to exist in the background and I don't understand why it still pops up with CC2015. I would give anything for this laziness to stop in CC 2016. None of these teams talk to each other, and they all do things slightly differently. Can we get an update without any new features that solidifies how things work across all of the apps!? Why is changing text size different in every app for example? In some you can drag the value, in others you can't. It's dumb. Talk to each other. Integrate. And fix stupid issues like these that should never exist in shipped software. It's lazy. I know there are good devs at Adobe. Adobe needs to let them talk to each other.
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Actually, I take that back. There was one bug that was even dumber. There was a bug in AE that when you packaged the project if you moved the mouse while it was doing it (aka used your computer) it would fail. But this is a very close second.

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My solution (mostly because I don't like all these little Adobe processes running and sucking up processor time – there is no reason I should have to give 2% of my CPU to Adobe's updaters):
- cd /Applications/Utilities/Adobe Creative Cloud/ACC
- rename "Creative" to ""
Now just leave it. I start it up every month or so just to make sure there aren't any interesting updates, then kill it again. Make sure your preferences are set so that it doesn't try to start up automatically (won't really matter since it's renamed though).
Adobe's installers and updaters have always been a sore point. I think the problem is they've tried to come up with a universal solution that works on Mac as well as PCs, and somehow this technology must be a mess because of it...
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Dreamwaver CS6 , I have one of Errol 16 should to be how removed, I have no idea plese tell me also provide me some method, solve me problem.
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Why is it this complicated... HATE UPDATES - they screw things up
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Great method Rueez, but I just found a shortcut to your method...
1. Simply navigate to: Applications /Adobe Creative Cloud /
2. In that file you'll see 2 files; "Adobe Creative Cloud" and "Uninstall Adobe Creative Cloud". Rename Adobe Creative Cloud to Adobe Creative Cloudx. When I did that the icon in themenu bar disappeared!
3. Rename it straight back to original name (get rid of the x!)
This way you don't need to open anything up or find some 'Preferences' thing and find boxes to uncheck etc!