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Community Beginner ,
Oct 26, 2020 Oct 26, 2020

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Can anyone assist me with this issue. Am running DW 2021 and the function to "select recently modified" pages has stopped working within the past couple of days. No problems previously. It presents an error message:


While executing onClick in SelectRecentlyModified.html, the following JavaScript error ocurred:

At line 370 of file c:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Dreamweaver 2021\Configuration\Menus\MM\SelectRecentlyModified.js: DWfile.getAttributes(listItem) has no properties


I can put individual files without any problems, but the program will no longer collect a batch of files modified within any number of past days. I have tried all different settings including specifying a from/to date set


I get exactly the same issue when running DW 20.2


The code at line 370 is as follows:


//if (isFolder(listItem))
if (DWfile.getAttributes(listItem).indexOf('D') != (-1))
// listItem is a folder

if (!checkArray(ignoreFolders,tmpListItem))
// listItem is a file


I have no idea what that means. But what is IndexOf D? Is that the issue? What does D relate to?


Code , Error , Product issue , Publish






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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Community Beginner , Oct 28, 2020 Oct 28, 2020

Here's something odd. After a week in which the Select Recently Modified function refused to work, it has suddenly apparently fixed itself. I have no idea why that is. However, I suspect that it is because I forced a sync between my local and remote servers. In order to get around the error I ran the Select Newer Local function and put all newer local files onto the remote server. That seems to have reset the relationship between the two servers and now Select Recently Modified works correctly.



Community Beginner ,
Oct 26, 2020 Oct 26, 2020

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Incidentally, I have already tried all the fixes suggested for general JavaScript errors such as recreating file cache, deleting WinFileDat etc etc All to no avail





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Community Beginner ,
Oct 28, 2020 Oct 28, 2020

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Here's something odd. After a week in which the Select Recently Modified function refused to work, it has suddenly apparently fixed itself. I have no idea why that is. However, I suspect that it is because I forced a sync between my local and remote servers. In order to get around the error I ran the Select Newer Local function and put all newer local files onto the remote server. That seems to have reset the relationship between the two servers and now Select Recently Modified works correctly.





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Community Beginner ,
Aug 22, 2021 Aug 22, 2021

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Two days ago I spent 2 and a half hours with 2 Adobe Technical support people trying to solve this problem. It was occuring in one of 7 sites I manage. They walked me through every remedy for javascript errors in their handbook (I had already tried many of them on my own). I finally gave up with them as we were getting nowhere. I tried a Server Forced Sync sugugested here and it didn't work for me. I remebered years ago running into a similar problem, but couldn't find the documentation online. I believed it had something to do with file names. I went through the site file by file and renamed every file haveing more than 31 characters (a Mac thing) and/or long file names with spaces in the file name. The site was 10 years old and had accumulated quite a few. Almost all not being used any longer. After doing that, I closed Dreamweaver (2021), re-opened it and the site and 1 file. Made a simple changein the file, saved it, and ran Edit>Select Recently Modified and the problem was corrected. I hope someone else havingthis problem runs across my experience and this helps. 





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