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Hello! im tryimg to make a search bar for my website were the customer can search for a name and get the result from the website. how do i create a search bar that can give same result for different names and numbers??
can some one help me??
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Probably the easiest way would be to add a Google search to your site:
There's nothing in DW that can do this for you though. DW has a couple of templates with a search bar, but it's just an html form. It doesn't do anything until it's attached to some server scripting. If you want to add true search functionality to your site that isn't controlled by Google's crawlers, you'd need to create a database driven site, then use a server side scripting language, like PHP, to search the database when a view submits the form (search bar) and display results.
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The thing is that the customer i have already have pages and information on a server. my customer have a museum with lot of old streets that have gotten new names. My idea is to have a search bar for our website that can give the visitor possibility to search for a specific street with the older name or the new names.
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Static HTML content cannot be searched. It must first be placed in a database of some kind.
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ok. thanks. so how can i create a search bar that can search for a object with different names.
the feature im looking for is to be able to make a searchbar and then make different keywords that can be connected to a spesific object or multiply object. in this case it will be historic place that have changed its name during last 100 years.
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How many street names are we talking about? You can do this with javascript arrays of objects but I dont recommend it if there are many street names to search.
What other information are you wanting to return when a user searches for a specific street name?
Best option would be to store all the information in a database and search that but it might be overkill for something which is simple.
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If you don't want to use Google's custom search feature (there are pros & cons with it), look at which has both free version with ads and paid version without ads. After Freefind indexes your site's content (usually within a few hours), you can activate the search form with some copied & pasted code.
Post back if you need more help.
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I think that you are best off using a JSON datafile and JavaScript to handle the logic.
Have a look at
You will need a local web server like WAMP or similar if you want to test the site locally. This is because the Fetch API is used in the example.
You can make it easier for yourself by using a few Dreamweaver extensions
1. App Connect
2, App Connect JSON Data Source
Or use Wappler which includes the extensions.
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are there any free alternatives??
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are there any free alternatives??
Like I said in my first reply, is a free service.
Google's custom web search is also a free service.
No coding skills required for either one.
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my plan is to have the search engine on our webpage. when some one search for a street with its current name or past name it a window shall come with the result were the customer can click and go to the part of our website were the street is mentioned. we dont want the visitor to have acess to google search engine.
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il take a look at it
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my plan is to have the search engine on our webpage.
Right. But the search query results will appear on a separate results page because that's how all dynamically driven search engines work.
You can instruct Google's Custom search to show results on the same page, however it's actually being fed from a separate web page via an <iframe>. Depending on your layout, <iframe> may work OK or not. You'll need to test it.