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Where to go next with Dreamweaver and server-side (php/mysql) applications?

Community Beginner ,
Apr 16, 2013 Apr 16, 2013

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This question is mainly directed at David Powers but  I appreciate any input from anyone with the same concern or question.

I've been using DW since the change from Macromedia and have developed a number of applications using built in server behaviors and sb extensions from ADDT, WebAssist, etc. I've learned to customize these behaviors to fit my needs always keeping within the "canned" code. In this way I've "learned" php.

I own most of David's books and in fact, it was because of these that I have any idea about what I'm doing and went in this direction in my "developer" career (building php/mysql applications using Dreamweaver.)

With the decision to remove server behaviors (and the other "developer" panels) from DW and with the deprecation of the mysql extension from the php landscape, I'm wondering where to go next? I fully understand this has to happen.

I'm aware of some alternatives:

  • Zend or some other framework - to me, this seems extremely complex
  • Keep several versions of DW installed
  • Stick to Joomla/WordPress/Drupal - let others who know what they're doing build the architecture
  • Actually LEARN php - wish I had time; too much work to do (I know how illogical that sounds but it's a very real situation)

I know I'm going to have to switch out all that deprecated code or better yet, rebuild the many applications which used the DW (and other) server behaviors. I'm just not sure which way to turn.

Server side applications




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Apr 22, 2013 Apr 22, 2013

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I've just started to look at mysqli - the replacement for sql_

The below url covers all the basics like Insert, Update and Delete, plus a few more.


I've been using the DW server behaviours for a number of years because of their ease of use and convenience. However when you start to look deeper you realise just how overly complex and outdated they really are.

I don't know what you do but if you mainly use DW server behaviours then it's not going to be such a big step to learn the 'improved' sqli

It took me a weekend to get to grips with how to implement them to replace the most popular DW server behaviours - Insert, Delete, Update, Repeat Region, Show Region, User Login-Logout, etc

Getting to grips with how to connect, write a query and fetch information, instead of letting DW do it, certainly has enlightened me in terms of how terrible the server behaviours in DW are.




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Community Beginner ,
Apr 22, 2013 Apr 22, 2013

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Thank you for your comments. I looked at this information and found it very helpful.

Since I wrote this post I concluded that there is no substitute for understanding and have started my re-education by delving further into the issue with updated PHP/MySQL books and tutorials so I can prepare for a Dreamweaver without this functionality.

I have mainly used DW server behaviors in my development projects that's why I am curious about what others are doing to make the change. I'm surprised there haven't been more posts; perhaps I'm the last one to be taking action about this, or maybe no one is too worried about it yet.

Anyway, your assessment of how terrible the server behaviors are is correct. I'm finding that true after barely breaking the binding on a few books about the greater subject and looking into mysqli and PDO.

But they sure were convenient!




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Apr 22, 2013 Apr 22, 2013

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rjjacob wrote:

Since I wrote this post I concluded that there is no substitute for understanding and have started my re-education by delving further into the issue with updated PHP/MySQL books and tutorials so I can prepare for a Dreamweaver without this functionality.

Yes, I too have concluded that is the way to go as well. There really is no substitute for learning as much as you can. Whilst the DW Server Behaviours were very convenient they have not kept pace, Adobe prefering to spent their time on less important updates in my opinion. The Server Behaviours are what makes Dreamweaver the tool of choice  for database integration for those who lack the knowledge. I feel the Adobe team will regret not coming up with an alternative. Anything that detracts from making the program what it is is a step in the wrong direction and for sure this is a big step in the wrong direction.

rjjacob wrote:

I have mainly used DW server behaviors in my development projects that's why I am curious about what others are doing to make the change. I'm surprised there haven't been more posts; perhaps I'm the last one to be taking action about this, or maybe no one is too worried about it yet.

I think a lot have changed their working practice but many more are burying their heads in the sand. sql_ support is a way off from being completely dropped yet.

rjjacob wrote:

Anyway, your assessment of how terrible the server behaviors are is correct. I'm finding that true after barely breaking the binding on a few books about the greater subject and looking into mysqli and PDO.

Yes, because I relied heavily on them I did not know how bad they were until I forced myself to look further afield. What you can do in a couple of lines of code the DW Server Behaviors produced quadruple or more to achieve the same.

rjjacob wrote:

But they sure were convenient!

Yes, I agree. Maybe some extention developer will come up with a set of new improved behaviours. I tell you if they do they will make a shed load of money.




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Apr 22, 2013 Apr 22, 2013

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osgood_ wrote:

rjjacob wrote:

But they sure were convenient!

Yes, I agree. Maybe some extention developer will come up with a set of new improved behaviours. I tell you if they do they will make a shed load of money.


Yes, they were convenient, but I don't think Dw had any choice but to drop them completely. Especially when one considers that the old sever behaviour code and either of the 'newer' methods could not be used together on the same page, can you imagine the confusion and problems users would have had if Dw had just updated the server behaviours.

So maybe dropping them completely was not such a bad idea.

The next few years will be interesting though, as 'old' Dw extensions, (shopping carts, etc.) cannot be used one the same page by anyone who is updating their skills to use the new MySQLi or PDO way of doing things.

As for an extension that uses the new methods, I believe that most Dw extension developers are planning to update their extensions, (probably at a cost to the user!!!)  but again they may be incompatible with the users preferred 'new' way of coding, (MySQLi or PDO).

Then comes the problem with CMS's. Wordpress uses the old php extension, but Drupal uses PDO, (Joomla uses its own PDO database abstraction layer) so even these will have compatibility problems for users.

As they say, "We live in interesting times", and if we thought it was just html, css, javascript and browsers that were giving us incompatibility problems, now we can add PHP and Databases to the list.





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Apr 22, 2013 Apr 22, 2013

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pziecina wrote:


Yes, they were convenient, but I don't think Dw had any choice but to drop them completely. Especially when one considers that the old sever behaviour code and either of the 'newer' methods could not be used together on the same page, can you imagine the confusion and problems users would have had if Dw had just updated the server behaviours.

So maybe dropping them completely was not such a bad idea.

The next few years will be interesting though, as 'old' Dw extensions, (shopping carts, etc.) cannot be used one the same page by anyone who is updating their skills to use the new MySQLi or PDO way of doing things.

As for an extension that uses the new methods, I believe that most Dw extension developers are planning to update their extensions, (probably at a cost to the user!!!)  but again they may be incompatible with the users preferred 'new' way of coding, (MySQLi or PDO).

Then comes the problem with CMS's. Wordpress uses the old php extension, but Drupal uses PDO, (Joomla uses its own PDO database abstraction layer) so even these will have compatibility problems for users.

As they say, "We live in interesting times", and if we thought it was just html, css, javascript and browsers that were giving us incompatibility problems, now we can add PHP and Databases to the list.


Everything you say is so true, it's going to get very messy unless there is a u-turn.

I'm going with the improved mysqli for the moment as it seems quite quick to grasp. I don't use third party CMS or Cart extentions, I write my own. I have a simple cart that I can easily switch to sqli from now on.

Over the weekend I replicated all the most popular DW Server Behaviours using mysqli which was quite simple. Not used them yet in any 'live' project but will from now on. I dare say I'll come across something that will hold me up for a time while I go through the process of trial and error.

Whilst extentions are a great and convenient way to lay down something fast looks as if they might come back to bite you big time.

I really do not like reyling on anything I don't know because as I've said in the past and I think you echo my thoughts as well, if something changes it's out of my control to put it right.





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