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Hi Guys,
I am having an issue with some mp4 videos, it shows a blank white screen but plays the audio. If I play the video direct in Windows it works fine.
The code is:
<div class="embed-responsive embed-responsive-16by9">
<video controls="controls" >
<source src="../Media/MyVideo.mp4" type="video/mp4">
I have attached a screen shot as well, anyone have any idea as to what is happning, it is only on some videos that I have edited and shrunk the file sizes. But as I said they paly outside Dreamweaver OK.
Dave G
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Could you upload the page/video somewhere for us to see? Based on what you are saying that it plays in standalone players but not on the web leads me to believe this is an encoding issue.
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Here you go, there's no formatting but you can see the blank videos.
Dave G
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This is not a question for Dreamweaver because this video file appears to be corrupted. Which apps were used to re-size and re-render your video?
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Video Test</title>
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
video {max-width:100%;}
<video width="640" height="360" poster="" controls="controls">
<source src="" type="video/mp4">
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We can't evaluate video until you upload it to your server and post the URL. Local preview is not always valid due to local browser security settings, etc... If video fails on the server, it could be caused by faulty code, a missing MIME type directive or the video file might be corrupted.
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Not sure what happened between the time of your original post and now. But the videos are working properly as far as I can see.
The styling problem is associatd with the fact that the support files (JS and CSS) and image files have not been uploaded.
If you do not mind me making a comment on the way that you have incorporated the videos. I tend to place videos in a modal. This has the effect that the vido can be shown in a larger format and that when the modal is closed, the video stops playing. As an example, have a look at
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Hi Guys,
Thanks for the replys,
@BenPleysier there are to video's that are not showing in the link I posteed "From Russia with Love" and "Father's House Orphanage, Kiev " are white when I view them in the link above. I am new to BootStrap so appreciate the advaice, I like the idea of the Windows poping up for playing and will look to impliment it into the site 🙂
@Nancy_OShea The app I have used is called "Video Pad Editor" the thing is they paly fine in windows surley if they were corrupt they shouldn't paly at all? They play in Windows Media Player, Windows Photo Editor, VLC but put them into the website and some of them only play as audio!!!
I will have to keep trying.
Kind regards,
Dave G
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"surely if they were corrupt they shouldn't play at all? "
No, that's not how it works. What's good for one goose doesn't always work for the gander. By default, modern browsers natively support H.264 videos that are properly transcoded to MP4 or M4V media. No special plugins or players required.
Contact Video Pad Editor and ask them which settings to use for best playback in modern browsers. Or switch to HandBrake, an open source video transcoder.
Another option, upload your original videos to YouTube. Use a script to scrape your YouTube feed (channel, playlist or user) into your web page. When your YouTube feed is updated, so is your website.
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Thanks Nancy, the originals work so will stick with them just that some are nearly 300Meg for a 3 min video, thanks for the help 😄