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I am getting a syntax error in DW CC. Other threads have indicated this was a bug in CS6 but had been fixed in CC. That leads me to believe it's my fault, but I can't figure it out. Can anyone help based on the information I've pasted below? Thanks!
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Hmm, nothing is highlighting for me, but I'm on an older version of DW, maybe it's less picky.
What happens if you ad a semi-colon right before the </script> tag in this line...
<script>var __adobewebfontsappname__="dreamweaver"</script>
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Thanks Nancy...
Will check, work it out and revert...
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I'm still using CS6 and it incorrectly inserts <script type> into HTML5 docs. It's something I fix manually.
I don't know if CC is doing the same thing. If so, it should be reported as a bug.
I do not use type attribute for <script> and <style> either, however, they are not illegal or anything and you can have them in HTML5. The default values are "text/javascript" and "text/css" respectively, as such unless you are doing something funky there are no need for including them. Just wanted to clarify
Kenneth Kawamoto