How to open a site already built in dreamweaver cc 2017?
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I'm having problems running the site in Dreamweaver 2017, it does not modify the site title (only real time preview), google chrome and neither favicon.ico is appearing (Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)) and any new line of code made the chrome delay to Update (average 2 days to update code), please can anyone help me.
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Have you got a link to the remote site?
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it's at local
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I'm not sure I understand, are you uploading the site to the remote server but the changes aren't showing for a couple days?
That would be a server caching issue. You would need to talk to your hosting company to have them turn off server caching.
If that's not the issue, could you please explain in a little more detail what you are doing, what's happening and how that differs from what you expect?
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it's at local
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The problem is most likely in your code. Could you paste your code here so that we can have a look?
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Use Open in Browser instead of Real-Time Preview. See screenshot.
Be sure to clear your browser's cache to see changes.
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The easiest way to get a favicon file to show is to upload it to your site root, next to your index.html home page. If it's not in the site root, you need to have a link to it in the <head> of your page pointing the browser to the correct location.
In either case, the file also needs to be uploaded to the server, it won't happen automatically when you upload an updated page.
Changes to existing Favicon.ico files may not show right away due to browser caching. Chrome also seems to have a difficult time letting go of Favicons when you update them. It will change, but may take some time. Clearing your browser cache may help, but it might take a few attempts.
As for Google, the snippets used in the search results (usually your <title> and description <meta> tags) won't update until Google re-crawls your website. That could happen anywhere from a couple of hours to a month or more from the time you upload updated pages, depending on how often Google goes through your site.
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Clear your Chrome browser's cache memory.
Clear cache and cookies - Google Account Help
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thank you! Plus the new lines of code take a lot of time to update, I already cleared the cache more anyway it takes an average of 2 days.
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There is no reason it should take 2 days to clear your browser's cache locally. Try using a different browser.
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