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I have had this problem with cs5 and now cs6 is doing this. I just installed cs6. I have my site added. On dreamweaver half of my images do not show on the design side. I work in split view. When I preview in a browser all images show up. They are also there when I go to the add image pop up. They are in the box but not in the preview there either. What would cause this to happen? I have been using cs5 for years and it just started doing this 3 days ago. I had already ordered cs6 so I thought when that was installed it would stop. No luck. Please help. This is frustrating.
1 Correct answer
It's a common misconception.
As to your image problem, you should be able to see any local image within your Defined Site (you are working from a Defined Site, right?). It may not hurt to check the color space off the image files themselves. Make sure any jpegs are set as RGB and not CMYK (they can be saved as either, but should be RGB).
It could also be code errors. Run your pages through the validator at to get a listing of any problems. Sometimes simple things will ca
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Are you working with local image files, or files on a remote server?
DW has always seemed to have issues with externally linked image files in my experience (though I never did get around to using CS6 before it was replaced by all of the CC versions). It's something I've noticed particularly when making html emails. Because of that, a long time ago (CS4), I started working with local copies of those images in a defined site vs the server images. Then as a final step, just before moving the email code to the email service provider, I will do a quick find & replace to add in the relevant absolute path to the server files.
That workflow, along with almost never turning on Design View, has done the trick for me over the years.
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I am using local files. I dislike my stuff all over the place. I am building local then add to server for everyone to see. I like to work offline.
I really dislike design view. I was always afraid to stop seeing it because of confidence in my coding. I think it is time to let it go. I really don't use it anyway.
Thank you for your help. It was just a little kick I needed.
By the way. How do you like CC? I am hesitant to use it. I am not a fan of cloud based products.
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I use CC2015 currently, due to some bugs in CC2018. Most of the issues I have with 2018 are on Adobe's radar though, so hopefully, with the next update, I'll be able to move away from 2015.
Though as paid subscribers, we have access to every major version all the way back to CS6 Cloud.
Creative Cloud is a bit of a misnomer. It's not actually "cloud software" at all. The programs download and install on your local machine, just like they have in the past. Essentially it's a cloud based delivery system with a little storage and a couple other bells and whistles that you pay a subscription to use. When your subscription runs out, and the program checks for your status, it will stop working until you're paid up again, but all files you make are yours and editable with any other program that can work with the same file types.
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I did not know that. I will have to check into it more. Thank you for your info. You have been very helpful. I appreciate it.
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It's a common misconception.
As to your image problem, you should be able to see any local image within your Defined Site (you are working from a Defined Site, right?). It may not hurt to check the color space off the image files themselves. Make sure any jpegs are set as RGB and not CMYK (they can be saved as either, but should be RGB).
It could also be code errors. Run your pages through the validator at to get a listing of any problems. Sometimes simple things will cause Design View to go absolutely bananas.
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When things stop working as expected , it's almost always due to code errors.
Validate your HTML & CSS. And fix reported errors.
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