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Eyedropper pick up the wrong color

Explorer ,
Sep 07, 2012 Sep 07, 2012

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As you can see, when I pick up the color of the first square and assign it to the second square, the eyedropper clearly picks up the wrong color.

Any suggestion?

Schermata 09-2456178 alle 11.14.22.png




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Oct 01, 2012 Oct 01, 2012

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Interesting discussion happening here, and I ran with some of it myself. Here's what's working at the moment:

Go to system preferences > display

Choose the color tab.

Change from "Thunderbolt Display" (or whatever it's defaulted to) and choose "sRGB IEC61966-2.1"

Close it and reopen fireworks.

Seemed to work for me, I hope it works for others. And I hope Adobe shows some more support for great products like Fireworks.




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Oct 01, 2012 Oct 01, 2012

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@varloodesign: Another user suggested this previously—karlapudis in reply #20—in response to a Flash forum posting that recommended Adobe RGB (1998).

I could imagine how setting your display profile to sRGB IEC61966-2.1 might work to sidestep the color management problem within Fireworks, but doesn't it cause a noticeable shift in your display's color output? (On my computer, it creates a very chilling, ghostly blue color cast.)

You can use Mac's ColorSync utility to compare the color spaces of your monitor profile (e.g. Thunderbolt display) and sRGB IEC61966-2.1. (Within the "Lab plot" graphic, there's an option to "Hold for comparison".) For example, my Color LCD display profile is significantly smaller than sRGB IEC61966-2.1:

sRGB vs Color LCD.png

To me, this indicates that my LCD monitor is not capabable of rendering all the colors in sRGB IEC61966-2.1 (even though it's a fairly modest color space). Therefore, I wouldn't feel comfortable using that profile to describe my monitor. It would be trading one problem for another.




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Explorer ,
Oct 02, 2012 Oct 02, 2012

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Incredible. With the sRGB IEC61966-2.1 color setting, the color picker works perfectly!

Sadly this color setting is really too blue for me...

A really curious thing is that I open Fireworks with the sRGB IEC61966-2.1 color setting, and then if I change it back to the deafult color setting, the picker still works! So the color picker does not work when is opened with a color display setting that is not sRGB IEC61966-2.1.




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Oct 02, 2012 Oct 02, 2012

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Changing my color settings to sRGB IEC61966-2.1 does not fix this problem in Flash.




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Oct 02, 2012 Oct 02, 2012

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@ilmagodiloz86: Does that effect last indefinitely—until you close the application or the document? If so, it might qualify as a legitimate workaround. It might even be possible to create some kind of AppleScript or Automator script that would change the monitor display profile to sRGB IEC61966-2.1, open Fireworks, and then change back to the default display profile. (Not sure about this; it's just an idea.)




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Explorer ,
Oct 03, 2012 Oct 03, 2012

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Yes, as far as I see, the effect lasts indefinitely.




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Oct 03, 2012 Oct 03, 2012

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Hey all,

According to ilmagodiloz86, the eyedropper color sampling bug that afflicts Fireworks CS6 on Mountain Lion can be successfully worked around by first setting the monitor display profile to sRGB IEC61966-2.1 (under System Preferences > Displays > Color), then launching Fireworks, and then resetting the monitor display profile to its original setting (e.g., Color LCD).

Following is "proof of concept" that this workaround could be automated via AppleScript. The idea is to use this script to launch Fireworks instead of launching via the dock, the Applications folder, etc.

To create the script, launch the AppleScript Editor (under Applications/Utilities), copy and paste the code below, and save the file as a Script within your user library Scripts folder. From there, it will be accessible within the AppleScript menu at the top of the Finder. (Or it could be saved as an Application to be opened from your desktop, etc.)

tell application "System Preferences"


    set current pane to pane id "com.apple.preference.displays"

    reveal (first anchor of current pane whose name is "displaysColorTab")

    tell application "System Events"

        tell process "System Preferences"

            select row 29 of table 1 of scroll area 1 of group 1 of tab group 1 of window "Color LCD"

        end tell

    end tell


end tell

tell application "Adobe Fireworks CS6" to activate

tell application "System Preferences"


    set current pane to pane id "com.apple.preference.displays"

    reveal (first anchor of current pane whose name is "displaysColorTab")

    tell application "System Events"

        tell process "System Preferences"

            select row 1 of table 1 of scroll area 1 of group 1 of tab group 1 of window "Color LCD"

        end tell

    end tell


end tell

The key items you'll definitely need to modify within the script are encircled below. The row numbers represent the positions of "sRGB IEC61966-2.1" and your original profile (e.g. Color LCD), respectively, within your list of display profiles. You can determine these numbers by looking at the Color LCD dialog and counting; however, you may also need to experiment with this a bit*. (The script can be run and edited within the AppleScript Editor.)

*NOTE: On my system, sRGB IEC61966-2.1 appeared to be in the 28th position; however, its actual row value was 29. I suspect that any horizontal dividers in the list may count as row.

AppleScript editor.png

A few caveats:

  • This script was tested in Snow Leopard (OS 10.6.8). I don't know whether it will work in Mountain Lion or not.
  • I know almost nothing about AppleScript. This was cobbled together from script samples found online.




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Oct 04, 2012 Oct 04, 2012

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An interesting thing this workaround/script is that it actually creates an eyedropper color sampling bug when applied in  Snow Leopard. Here's an example of a color being progressively resampled on the canvas using the eyedropper tool, after having launched Fireworks using the workaround script:

progressive resampling.png

The "induced bug" fixes itself when Fireworks is restarted.

I think it's worth noting that the bug does not seem to affect colors as they're being saved, applied, or sampled from the Swatches palette—only when they're being sampled from the canvas (or perhaps from other areas?). So colors applied directly from the color picker are immune, and colors saved to Swatches are also unaffected. This makes the Swatches panel one conduit for saving and applying colors without the distortion introduced by sampling from the canvas (assuming the bug is in effect).




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New Here ,
Oct 04, 2012 Oct 04, 2012

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Hi @groove25,

I just wanted to thank you for so diligently posting your findings. Also I wanted to share a couple of notes:

1) The workaround of changing the display profile to sRGB, and then opening Fireworks, works for me only if I leave the display profile as sRGB. The moment that I change it back to the original profile, the color picker starts messing up again (I'm on Mountain Lion 10.8.2)

2) After reading you note about colors being safe when saved as Swatches, I also realized that another way to know an HEX value accurately is by using the info provided by the "Window > Info" panel.

info panel .png

Aside from giving the current coordinates of the cursor within the canvas, it updates the HEX value of the pixel where the cursor is currently in.

It's interesting how one feature in Fireworks CS6 can get the accurate HEX color (the info Panel), yet the most important one, the color picker is not 😕




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Oct 05, 2012 Oct 05, 2012

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@Alanrq: That's a great observation regarding the Info panel! If you hover over an object with the Pointer tool, the Info panel seems to provide accurate color values, yet if you hover over the same object using the color picker's eyedropper, you'll see distorted hex code values in the Info panel.

This made me realize something else: The Eyedropper tool itself seems unaffected by this bug! Am I mistaken about this? Not the eyedropper that appears within the color picker, but the Eyedropper tool (I) as selected from the Tool panel. This is something I had overlooked, since this bug doesn't affect my operating system, but it's reminding me of the workaround suggested by rryanhayes79 in reply #19. If so, this should make it relatively easy to sample colors from the canvas and apply them directly to other objects—and this would include sampling colors from semi-transparent objects.

This wouldn't diminish the annoyance factor of this particular bug, but it certainly could make it much less debilitating. As long as you avoid sampling using the color picker's eyedropper tool, you should be OK. (Please let me know if I'm wrong about this.)

Incidentally, I'm surprised that the 'display profile workaround' doesn't work on your system since it was suggested by another Mountain Lion user—plus my own experiences with creating an 'induced bug' on Snow Leopard seem to corroborate it. Either way, it's good to hear feedback.




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Oct 05, 2012 Oct 05, 2012

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An interesting aspect of the Eyedropper tool (I) is that it samples only from the canvas and ignores interface elements like the blue lines surrounding selected objects (a.k.a. edges). It's as if it reads values and calculates composite values based on a knowledge of the document's content.

The color picker eyedropper, by contrast, samples from anywhere on the screen—including interface elements. So it's a different animal, more of a pure sampling tool.

It's too bad that the Gradient fill color stops are completely dependent on either the color picker eyedropper or the Mac OS color picker. The former is broken on Mountain Lion, while the latter is broken across multiple Fireworks versions and all current Mac operating systems (http://forums.adobe.com/thread/1011331?tstart=0).

The Gradient color picker is a good example of where the Swatches panel might serve as a useful intermediary. If you use the Eyedropper tool (I) to sample colors on the canvas, you can save those colors to Swatches. Then, from within the Gradient color picker, you can grab those colors directly from the color picker's swatches and preserve the intended appearance and hex code values. (This is assuming the display profile workaround doesn't work; if it does, you can simply use the color picker eyedropper to sample colors directly from the canvas, without following this more elaborate procedure.)




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Community Beginner ,
Dec 28, 2012 Dec 28, 2012

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Fireworks CS6 eyedropper color not matching solved!!! The normal way is to click the swatch and you get the eyedropper... That will give you the wrong color now, this is where the issue is. To solve the issue, "Make sure you select the eyedropper next to the fill bucket," See image below. It will give you the correct color everytime. Seems to be two different eyedroppers. Took me almost two weeks to trouble shoot this!





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New Here ,
Dec 28, 2012 Dec 28, 2012

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Thank you VisualSignals! Excellent work! Hope the FW engineers solve the issue so this workaround is not needed.




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Dec 28, 2012 Dec 28, 2012

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Glad you found a solution, VisualSignals. The Eyedropper tool as a workaround was previously discussed in replies #19, 33, and 34, but your graphic effectively emphasizes it.




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Community Beginner ,
Dec 29, 2012 Dec 29, 2012

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Thanks for pointing that out @groove25... didn't relize that, I just skimmed the thread and thought it said that it did not work in FireWorks. I don't think this is completly an Adobe thing, as we are still having issues with exported images form Fireworks CS6 displaying colors differently in Safari Version 6.0.2 (8536.26.17) On Lion. But when viewed in a windows browser they match.




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Dec 29, 2012 Dec 29, 2012

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Yeah, the rendering of images across different web browsers and operating systems gets into a broader area of color management that's beyond the scope of this particular forum thread (which is focused on a color sampling bug experienced by users of Fireworks CS6 on Mac OS 10.8, a.k.a. Mountain Lion).

It's worth keeping in mind that Fireworks ignores color profiles, and its output doesn't generally include them, either. Off the top of my head, Safari on Lion may treat untagged RGB images as if tagged with the user's monitor display profile, whereas Windows might treat them as if tagged with an sRGB profile—two different color spaces, two different visual results. (Or it could be the reverse of this; I'm not sure.) And Mac OS Mountain Lion seems to have introduced some changes in how it interprets untagged RGB images.

NeovitaBjorn brought up the difference in rendering between Photoshop and Fireworks (in reply #21), which is a similar color management issue. I included links to some related forum threads in my reply (#23).




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New Here ,
Apr 18, 2013 Apr 18, 2013

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Hi All, I was having similar problem, and post number 35 from visual signs is a great observation, but I don't think that works when you are createing Gradients in fireworks. My solution before I read all of this was to download various color picker apps until I found one that gave me the features and result I liked. That color picker app on the mac is called ColorSnapper. I think I paid $5 or $10 for it, I am not affiliated in any way, and found it to be a great utility. And now I can pick colors accurately and then paste the picked HEX code into my gradations without haveing to copy or type. VERY Smooth.




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Explorer ,
Mar 11, 2014 Mar 11, 2014

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and one year later i have this issue on illustrato CC and its killing me!




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New Here ,
Sep 09, 2014 Sep 09, 2014

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Hey i have the same problem! Here is the way I've heard from my friend:

First, switch to eyedrop tool (press i - for shortcut).

Screenshot 2014-09-09 13.55.43.png

Then right click to select "point sample" to set the selection exactly on the area you clicked.

It works for me, and I hope it also does for you.





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Community Beginner ,
Sep 19, 2014 Sep 19, 2014

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This bug showed up in CS6 and happens when you activate the eyedropper by clicking on the color. If you use the actual eye dropper tool by clicking on it first, it does not happen. The drawback to this is that by clicking on the color box to activate the eyedropper, you used to be able to pull colors from off canvas. That is not the case if you click the eyedropper tool first. Adobe is breaking a lot of efficiencies. It's a bummer.




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New Here ,
Sep 16, 2015 Sep 16, 2015

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Hi everyone,

Sooooo this is one year later, but I have found a solution that just worked! If your colour picker is picking the colour too dark, try this:

1. Choose your eye-dropper/colour picker

2. Click on the dropdown next to the tool icon


This just worked for me.

Hope it helps you guys!

Kind regards

Screen Shot 2015-09-16 at 12.54.17 PM.png




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Mentor ,
Sep 16, 2015 Sep 16, 2015

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You are not talking about Fireworks, are you? That is a Photoshop screenshot. It will not work in Fireworks.




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New Here ,
Oct 06, 2015 Oct 06, 2015

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I have a similar problem with Adobe FW CS5.5 since updating Yosemite to El Capitan. The eye dropper does not work at all now, but always picks 000000 = Black.




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Mentor ,
Oct 06, 2015 Oct 06, 2015

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More and more compatibility issues keep popping up on Macs now, unfortunately.

Things will only get worse, since FW's development was halted in May 2013.




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New Here ,
Nov 24, 2015 Nov 24, 2015

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I have the same problem with Fireworks CS5 on Mac OS El Capitain....




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