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Flash Player doesn't play videos.

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Mar 30, 2011 Mar 30, 2011

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I'm still having problems with FP when attempting to view videos. IE9 (32 bit) crashes and Firefox (4) continues to prompt me to upgrade to the same version of FP that I already have installed. Opera seems to work but has always been a backup browser.

Windows Vista 64 bit

Flash Player

IE 9/ Firefox 4

Have tried about everything I could find to do in rectifing this issue since the IE9 beta and Flash Player Square. Is there, possibly a replacement for Adobe Flash? I waited too long for IE 9 to revert back to 8. What am I doing wrong or is FP 10.2 buggy? Any suggestions or help would be greatly appreciated...Thanks




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Mar 31, 2011 Mar 31, 2011

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Hi, It could be "all of the above":-) IE9, FF4.0 are both new browser versions and Flash Player works thru the browser. Flash Player Square is still in beta as far as I know, so what is conflicting is hard to say.

There are threads having problems with any combination of the above.

Test each browser and let me know if you can see the Flash Player logo animation. Also what version of Flash Player is displayed for each.


Are you using the 64bit browser or 32bit for IE9?






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Mar 31, 2011 Mar 31, 2011

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eidnolb, hi and thanks for your reply. I'm using the 32 bit version of IE 9. Both IE 9 and Firefox 4 gives me the version of FP as (using your link).  Strange thing is that when I go to play a video on YouTube, I have to use the newest version of Opera and that works. I don't like Chrome (to invasive) so I'm stuck with Opera. I used the beta version of IE 9 (32 bit) way back but had to revert back to ver. 8, as I couldn't handle the flash issue. I did try the Square version of flash, but it didn't work. Fast foward to now and still a problem. Dag! I waited all this time but still no joy. I really like IE 9, but with the flash issue, well looks like Opera will have to be my default. Another strange thing is that I had Firefox 4 beta awhile back and had no flash issue as I do now with its' final version 4.

Thanks again.





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Mar 31, 2011 Mar 31, 2011

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Hi, thanks for the add'l info. Let's take a look at your Flash Files.

Go to C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash  Open Flash and post back all files listed. Any NPSWF files will need a right click to Open and then click on Properties to obtain the version numbers.

Also while you are in the "area", Using the same procedure and replacing "SysWOW64" with System32, check there. Just want to make sure there are no Flash Files there. All Flash files should be in the SysWOW64 location, because you have a 64bit OS.

Then using IE, go to Tools, Manage addons and under "Show"(light text) look in All addons and or Run without Permission for Shockwave Flash Object. What version is it and is it Installed and Enabled?

Then using FF(Firefox) go to the plugins and is the Shockwave Flash plugin Installed and Enabled?

Since Opera is working, I'm sure it has the Shockwave Flash plugin and Enabled.

Let's confirm the above and then perhaps we'll take a look at IE9.

Have or had you received any kind of error messages when Uninstalling Flash Player and Installing?






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New Here ,
Apr 14, 2011 Apr 14, 2011

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eidnolb, I'm sorry for the lag in time. Thanks for your continued help. Here is the

requested info from the SysWOW64/Flash folder...

1. NPSWF32.dll_version Shockwave Flash 10.2r153

2. Flash Util 10o_Plugin (Flash player Installer Uninstaller_version

3. FlashPlayer.xpt

4. FlashPlayerTrust_subfolder=EACoreTrust.cfg

5. FlashPlayer Install_Notepad… "Many, many entries. Do you need this long list posted as well?"

As for the System32/Flash I have about the same (in entries) as above, but at the time I installed the Square version of Flash seven months ago (I went back to IE 8, used the Flash Uninstaller, then reinstalled Flash not the Square version). Could this be the issue and or should  I delete the folder?

Ah, in the Add-ons section of IE 9 there are not any Flash files listed, though I’ve went through the motions of installing it (FP ver. many times while using IE 9 this time around.

#NOTE: Firefox is again working. This was due to my cousin installing malware, which I

found out by checking MSE's Quarantine section. I have since put where she can no longer

install any .exe files. I used ESET NOD32 online scanner and am not compromised with any

malware. But, IE 9, before the infection never did work.

I have never received any error messages at the installing or uninstalling of Flash. How do I properly install Flash functionality into IE 9?

Thanks so much, as I feel closer to finding a solution with the help you already have given me.





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Apr 14, 2011 Apr 14, 2011

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baldeguy56 wrote:

Here is the requested info from the SysWOW64/Flash folder...

1. NPSWF32.dll_version Shockwave Flash 10.2r153

2. Flash Util 10o_Plugin (Flash player Installer Uninstaller_version

3. FlashPlayer.xpt

4. FlashPlayerTrust_subfolder=EACoreTrust.cfg

5. FlashPlayer Install_Notepad…

Looks like you only have the plugin for Opera and Firefox installed, but not the ActiveX control for Internet Explorer.  (Yes, these are two different installs.)

Download the installer for IE from http://www.adobe.com/products/flashplayer/fp_distribution3.html and run it after closing all browser windows.




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New Here ,
Apr 14, 2011 Apr 14, 2011

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I did as you have suggested installing the Active X for FP (the MSI Installer for Windows), but still doesn't work. Also, it doesn't appear in any of the IE 9 Add-ons. This is a real bugger this one!

Thanks for your time and help.





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Apr 14, 2011 Apr 14, 2011

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What files do you have now in C:\Windows\syswow64\Macromed\Flash ?




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Apr 14, 2011 Apr 14, 2011

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Hi again, So this attempt failed also. Well, I'm going to stand by what I said about starting over making sure a clean Uninstall and certain steps are taken prior to Installing.






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Apr 14, 2011 Apr 14, 2011

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baldeguy56 wrote:

Here is the requested info from the SysWOW64/Flash folder...

1. NPSWF32.dll_version Shockwave Flash 10.2r153

2. Flash Util 10o_Plugin (Flash player Installer Uninstaller_version

3. FlashPlayer.xpt

4. FlashPlayerTrust_subfolder=EACoreTrust.cfg

5. FlashPlayer Install_Notepad… "Many, many entries. Do you need this long list posted as well?"

A very easy method to list what's in a Windows folder is using dir from a Command Prompt:

cd \windows\syswow64\macromed\flash

dir > C:\dir.txt


...then quote the contents of C:\dir.txt here in the forum:

2011-03-22  12:25       <DIR>          .
2011-03-22  12:25       <DIR>          ..
2011-03-22  12:25            6,163,104 Flash10o.ocx
2011-03-22  12:25                6,640 FlashInstall.log
2011-03-22  12:24                  856 flashplayer.xpt
2011-03-22  12:25              311,456 FlashUtil10o_ActiveX.dll
2011-03-22  12:25              235,168 FlashUtil10o_ActiveX.exe
2011-03-22  12:24              235,168 FlashUtil10o_Plugin.exe
2011-03-22  12:24            6,053,536 NPSWF32.dll
               7 File(s)     13,005,928 bytes
               2 Dir(s)   2,508,013,568 bytes free




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Apr 14, 2011 Apr 14, 2011

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Hi  Your Flash files in the SysWOW64 location are correct for Firefox only. I think with all of the Uninstalling/Installing and Square/shipped vs etc Files have just been in both locations(System32) for some reason.

If it were me, I would start over and make sure a clean Uninstall is accomplished before running any Installer.

I'm just responding to your message here, but need to see what Pat has suggested. I don't need the log report, but he may.

The fact that you don't have Flash Player Installed for IE and Flash files in the System32 location where they shouldn't be is really all I would need to know.

Glad FF is working and that you took measures to prevent any more malware. You certainly don't want that!!






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Explorer ,
Apr 14, 2011 Apr 14, 2011

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Hi Baldeguy,

If you are still unable to play the videos on youtube with the IE 9

1.Go to tools and then internet options

2. Select the security tab and reduce your security level to medium

Then check whether the videos are playing or not .






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New Here ,
Apr 14, 2011 Apr 14, 2011

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Pat, here are the files you requested and thanks for the help.

Volume in drive C has no label.
Volume Serial number is !!!!-!!!!

Directery of C:\Windows\SysWow64\Macromed\Flash

04/14/2011  04:38 AM    <DIR>
04/14/2011  04:38 AM    <DIR>
04/14/2011  04:38 AM         6,163,104 Flash10o.ocx
04/14/2011  04:38 AM            51,704 FlashInstall.log
04/14/2011  02:54 AM               856 FlashPlayer.xpt
11/03/2010  02:54 AM    <DIR>          FlashPlayerTrust
04/14/2011  04:38 AM           311,456 FlashUtil19o_ActiveX.dll
04/14/2011  04:38 AM           235,168 FlashUtil19o_ActiveX.exe
04/08/2011  02:54 AM           235,168 FlashUtil19o_Plugin.exe
04/08/2011  02:54 AM         6,053,536 NPSWF32.dll
7 File<s>     13,050,992 bytes
3 Dir<s>  234,628,567,040 bytes free

V.J, thanks for the suggestion, but I would want to try some other suggestions before lowering any security features and or levels, as this is the most important part of a browser and most geek sites that I frequent will state, that, "IE 9 is the most secure browser out there". FF would be my second choice, but with some security Add-ons, that now may put some weight on the browser and take away some of its' speed, which is the second most desired feature I look for in a browser.

eidnolb, as before I apologise for the time lapse. I'm going to wait on Pat's reply, but definately will do a clean install if I hit another bump in the road.

Thanks to all for the help.




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Apr 14, 2011 Apr 14, 2011

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Hi, Oh yes definitely wait to see what Pat tells you. I was just saying what I would do considering the Uninstalling/Installing.

I had a problem with Anti-Virus programs and had decided to cleanly Uninstall it all and then Install again:-)

Just a mention, I think perhaps that is a typo where the Flash files are listed as "19"? Perhaps 10 instead?






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New Here ,
Apr 14, 2011 Apr 14, 2011

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eidnold, I gave the clean install a shot and FP didn't install to IE 9. I did remove the System32/Flash folder, though nothing seems to work. I might revert back to IE 8, re-install 9 then try from that angle at attempting another clean install. I'm using FF as my default browser, but not by choice, as this browser crashes often. Funny thing is that I use to hate IE, but other than the Flash issue ver.9 is impressive. Just baffled at why Flash will not install to IE 9.

BTW, the 19 was a typo and it is 10. My typing is worse than my eyesight, which is pretty bad these days. Thanks.





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Apr 14, 2011 Apr 14, 2011

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Hi, Just wanted to let you know that Pat isn't ignoring you. He just was on the Forum for one thread. He's in Japan and isn't able to be on the Forum as much as before that awful earthquake. Then the time zone difference:-)

I don't know how you did the "clean" Uninstall/Install; everyone has their own procedure. But it was a good idea to remove the files and folder in the system32. That would have been part of it. The only thing I would have suggested is using the Manual method and checking the SysWOW64 files and making sure all files there were removed upon the first Uninstall. If they weren't then I would have run the Uninstaller again and checked. Once that was confirmed then a Reboot prior to running the Installer with a final Reboot after Installing.

IE9 and FF4.0 have been causing some issues with users here. Other users have no problem with IE9; same thing with FF4.0.

I heard yesterday or read it, can't remember which that Microsoft is coming out with an update in 2 months for IE9. I expect FF to have one before that.

Any Anti-Virus program can't be overlooked either. Some will block the Install of that ActiveX Control for Flash Player.

I would caution you on Uninstalling IE9 until you check with Microsoft. I've read there is a procedure to use so IE8 will revert.

If the Uninstall of IE9 isn't done correctly then one will still have IE9!! I was on one of the MS Forums. Just this week. You may want to check that out or hold off a day or two. It's getting late in my time zone and tomorrow will try to find that IE9 Uninstall info for you and we can go over any Anti-Virus issue.

Two brand new browsers and both causing problems!






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New Here ,
Apr 15, 2011 Apr 15, 2011

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eidnolb, I have been involved in some geek sites helping others with my limited computer skills and know that Pat for some reason didn't reply back for the time. I remain grateful for his help and in the hope that he, as well as all the others in Japan that they all stay safe.
I did remove both Flash folders from the WOW64 and Sys32 folders, but didn't reboot after and before re-installing Flash, but did disable my Anti-virus software beforehand. I Will do it exactly as you have suggested. I have been helping others with reverting back to IE 8, but not since after its' Beta version, so I will check the MS site for any changes in the procedure. Actually, when I, at the first, reverted back to IE 8, ver.9 did't appear in the update section where it should of been located and I had to use another method given to me by MS techs. It may be a possibility that IE 9 Beta was somehow corrupted and has since been an issue, so this is my main purpose for for reversion back to 8 and re-installing 9, then uninstalling Flash and finally doing a clean install of same.
I'll post any updates here on the forum as to my progress or failure.
Again, thank you for you time and help.
Warm regards...Garry




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Community Beginner ,
Apr 15, 2011 Apr 15, 2011

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I am having a similar problem with this.  With 64-bit Windows 7 videos like those in YouTube and other sites crash Flash 100% of the time on all three browsers I have - IE 8 (haven't upgraded to 9 because I don't use IE), FF 4, and Chrome 10.  My main everyday browser is FF.

Flash DOES work for animations such as charts in Google Analytics.  This is great, because it gives me 99% of what I need.

I tried Flash's uninstall program and reinstalling fresh.  The uninstall program works successfully as I'm not able to use Flash after running it.  Whether it is a "clean uninstall" (removing directories and such) or not is a better question for the authors of the uninstall program that Adobe releases.  The uninstall/reinstall worked a few weeks ago when I had this problem.  This time, it hasn't worked.

I have tried to install the Square beta, but FF 4 doesn't recognize an Adobe plugin as being installed.  I saw that for 32-bit Flash, you can manually copy flashplayer.xpt, NPSWF32.dll to the C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\plugins to get it recognized.  So I did this with NPSWF64.dll.  However, the Square beta didn't seem to include an "flashplayer.xpt" file or anything close for me install.

I should stress that this all worked for me for months.  I didn't update Windows, upgrade FF, or go to a new version Adobe Flash and videos started to crash.

I have 10 years of software engineering experience, so you can treat me as a relatively technical user.




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Apr 15, 2011 Apr 15, 2011

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Hi, I'm sure Pat will read your comments:-) On your IE9, I just looked for the site I was reading and didn't keep it. All I remember other than what I said about Uninstalling and reverting back to IE8 was about Windows Updates. If those weren't Installed before Uninstalling IE9, then that caused an issue with reverting back to IE8. If I find that info, I'll post it.

I can't use the IE9, using XP but read a lot about it for the info and the Flash Player Forum users. I do know that there were a couple of features included in the final release that were not in the latest beta. Following are a couple of links to the IE9 features in case you haven't seen them.

http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2409098   IE9 Installation instructions and Pre-Install Info


A point about those using Win7 or IE9(final vs released 3/14). One of the features is called ActiveX Filtering. Win7 updated with a Service Pack 1. This Filter is included and now is with IE9 also.







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Community Beginner ,
Apr 15, 2011 Apr 15, 2011

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[Deleted... I misunderstood previous response]




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Apr 15, 2011 Apr 15, 2011

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Hi cheetahman25, Actually I was replying to the Author of this thread. When there are other users replying to the Authors thread, I reply to them by name as I'm doing now:-)

This is one of the reasons that the Flash Player Forum prefers that each person start their own thread/discussion. It certainly avoids this type of confusion:-) The other reason is that issues are hardly ever the same seeing how there are so many variables with all involved when troubleshooting.

You wouldn't want to see a thread over a year ago where 5 different users with as many issues were all on it. Even when I replied to each one by name, they still were applying certain actions that were for someone else, LOL What a mess that was and I learned my lesson then, Ha-Ha

There can be several factors involved with some of the issues you mentioned. If you would like to pursue any of them please start a separate discussion.



                         EDIT: Where did you go? That's ok, we were both posting at the same time:-)

Message was edited by: eidnolb   add'l comment




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Apr 15, 2011 Apr 15, 2011

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I saw that I was the source of the confusion, so deleted my erroneous response to the wrong person.

This looked to be the same exact bug that I was seeing (same Flash version, same issue with it being videos specifically, but not other Flash content).  I had hoped that providing another datapoint would help give Adobe insight into the error that would solve both our issues.  This way, you don't get two people working on the same problem independently without knowing about it.

I will start another thread.




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Apr 15, 2011 Apr 15, 2011

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Hi cheetahman25, Thanks that's appreciated! I'll look for your thread. The Forum is extra busy today. Right now I'm trying to get rid of the "Sports Live" spammers!

We've had issues with IE9 and FF4.0 ever since they released. Then Chrome has had a couple of problems. The various browsers take a beating, since that's where Flash Player is Installed with those two addons.(for IE & FF & other non-IE browsers)






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