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Since Adobe has decided to not only eliminate the Flash Player, but try to force everyone to uninstall it my opinion is that anyone who would purchase ANY Adobe product after this is a fool. After MANY people paid probably millions to purchase the creation software and produce Flash content they now lose it all at the whim of Adobe. This is not even the first time Adobe has done this. Remember the Shockwave Player? Whoever at Adobe made this decision needs to be fired. They buy a competitor (Macromedia) and then gradually eliminate their products. Adobe should be ashamed. I certainly will NEVER buy another Adobe product.
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I'm a long-time product user. Flash Player has always been a free browser plugin. No money was ever involved except what Adobe spent on research & development to keep it going.
I haven't needed Flash Player for 2-3 years since the browser vendors began phasing out plugins. A few years ago, the same thing happened with Silverlight, QuickTime, RealPlayer, Shockwave and many more. That's progress. No more plugins. Now it's time to move on.