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[locked] Flash player crashes all browsers

New Here ,
Oct 24, 2009 Oct 24, 2009

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In the past few days Flash Player has crashed all the major browsers, Internet Explorer 8, Firefox 3, Opera 10, Safari, and Chrome.  Windows XP 64-bit.  If you want to witness the problem, go to http://www.canaan.jp/ and wait a few moments.  I have sent in as many crash reports as the browsers were able to generate.  I have also read so many entries in other forums that this problem is epidemic.  You are probably already nearly panicking over it, and well you should.  Your monopoly on streaming data is threatening to come crashing down around your ears.  You'd better fix it quick or become accustomed to the sound of peasants banging their pitchforks against the gates and howling for your heads.




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replies 123 Replies 123
Nov 24, 2009 Nov 24, 2009

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It may well be time to start alerting your favorite blogger that Flash has a serious problem on nearly all platforms. Someone at Adobe should have a look at this as it's causing an unreasonable waste of time among lots of users.

I'm on Windows 7 and started seeing this suddenly. I was installing lots of new software at the time on a new system and so it was difficult to say what caused the problem to surface. I wasted about half a day dinkering with Flash installers that did not work, futzing with browser settings in both IE8 and Firefox.

A very key thing to note I think is that a YouTube video or other Flash content will begin to open and then seize up. The status bar will show the message "Transferring..." I watched with Wireshark and noted it appears that a TCP transaction is being attempted but the expected response may not be getting received. That led me to wonder about firewalls and ports being blocked. I have no proxy in play. Since I needed to replace Norton Internet Security with Norton 360 anyway, I gave it a try. After that Flash is working on IE 8 and FF. Days later however, back comes the problem.

This time it's after installing a USB driver to tether my PC to my mobile phone. One difference in the symptom is that sometimes, rebooting seems to solve the problem. At the moment, all is working for me. I'll probably continue to try to characterize the issue as is convenient.

My guess is that motivated Adobe engineer who understands RTMP could track down the cause of this issue and get a fix into the next version of Flash. Perhaps such person will speak up? I'd be happy to run network traces and help debug if the problem can't be reproduced in San Jose.

If I hear nothing and the problem comes back, I think my next post will be to Engadget.




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New Here ,
Nov 24, 2009 Nov 24, 2009

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It is my first day I,m exprencing this problem.This problem only occur when I,m playing Megavideo! My computer's crash is a bit different.My computer completely crashes and I have to restart it.Everything crashes and mouse does not even move.My computer is new and I have Windows 7 Ultimate x64.This happenes on all browsers for me.But I can play Youtube without any problem.I am pretty sure that my computer hardware dont have any problem because I just assembled it last week.I tested every single component. I,m pretty sure problem is from software and it is actually from Flash player .I play games and videos with this computer every day without any problem.Everything is ok but Flash! Beside I dont have any junk software. All I have is about 15 softwares on my windows and most of them are games.I forgot to say that I cant install any hardware driver on windows 7 except ATI catalyst!

Here is some information on my computer components:

CPU: Phenom II 965

Motherboard: M3A32-MVP Deluxe wifi edition

RAM: 4GB (4x1GB) kingstone Hyperx

Graphic Cards: Crossfire HD3870 (two graphic cards)

Power supply: 750 Watts

Bios:9.0.3 (latest one for supporting Phenom II processors)

Hard Drive: 250GB (SATA I) (yeah it is SATA one) Western Digital.


I think that's it.There is nothing left to say.I hope they fix this problem.

If you guys want my software list,I also can post that.





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Explorer ,
Nov 25, 2009 Nov 25, 2009

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Updating doesn't cure the problems. And interestingly, Opera works, FF

doesn't, and IE8 is broke too. Thats the status as of today.




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New Here ,
Dec 01, 2009 Dec 01, 2009

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Well, I've read through all of the posts and I have a situation that hasn't been discussed yet, so I'll add my info.

First, I have a 3.4GHz Sony VIAO desktop w/ 2GB ram, running XP Pro SP3 with all updates.

There are some websites that I can watch flash files all day, youtube included.  A few freeze the browser (IE8), but all I have to do is close the affected tab and all is well.  I have never had the browser totally freeze, or had the computer crash, as has been reported by others.

One of the sites that I have problems with is FoxNews.  When I go to their home page (www.foxnews.com), there are ads running flash videos with no

problem.  But when I click on a news video, the browser refreshes to video.foxnews.com/etc, the black area where the video should show appears, there is a faint image of the FoxNews logo in the black box for about 5 seconds, after which it fades out and nothing further happens.

On a machine that works properly, there is a flash ad to the right of the black box, but it is absent on my system.  At the bottom of the screen in the info area, there is a warning symbol with the msg 'Error on page'.  If I click on the error msg it states:

Message: Permission denied

Line: 2

Char: 44166

Code: 0

URI: http://video.foxnews.com/video-js.js?v9

Message: Object doesn't supprt this property or method

Line: 1

Char: 1

Code: 0

URI: http://(too damn long to type out here)

On another site (freedom.tv), the video doesn't load with the following error msg:

Message: '0.offsetWidth' is null or not an object

Line: 19

Char: 9

Code: 0

URI: http://freedom.tv/wp-content/themes/tcelements-light/scripts/coda.slider.js

Is it possible that the sites are not implimenting Flash properly???




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New Here ,
Dec 02, 2009 Dec 02, 2009

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Might as well reply here. For the past 1-2 months, Flash video is crashing my entire computer, especially if I watch in full screen or have several tabs with flash video open. The whole computer freezes regardless of whether I use Chrome, Firefox or IE. It doesn't happen with all sites, or all the time, but often enough to be frustrating.

I even did a clean install of Windows 7, and replaced the RAM, but the problem remains. The only things that were installed were Windows itself, Flash and audio, video and networking drivers...

I don't think the video card, mobo or CPU are broken. Also the system is 100% stable running stress tests and games, and temperatures are fine.

I was going to try the registry fix, but I could not find the "D27CDB6E-AE6D-11CF-96B8-444553540000" entry under the compatibility node. It did appear in several other places however.

System is a Phenom II X4 955 3.2 GHz, 4GB DDR2 RAM, Radeon HD4850 video card, Windows 7 Pro x64. I tried both the latest official Flash version as well as the 10.1 beta. I'm not sure when this started, but until fairly recently my system was rock solid even playing flashing video.




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New Here ,
Dec 02, 2009 Dec 02, 2009

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your problem is exactly the same as my problem. And the funny thing is that you r computer is also similar to my computer except I have phenom II 965  (Close hah ?)




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New Here ,
Dec 08, 2009 Dec 08, 2009

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Well in a way that's good to hear, because it means there isn't really anything I can do other than wait for either Adobe or ATI to fix it. I had already tried pretty much everything anyway except replace the motherboard...and I don't thnk that it's causing the problem.

On the other hand, I would have prefered if it was something I could fix myself by editing the registry, re-installing something or whatever.

These problems are fairly new to me, my system used to be stable... so either:

-A new version of Catalyst broke flash (I update every time a new version comes out)

-The flash plugin got updated silently to a new version that breaks video playback on certain systems

-Many websites switched to a different version of their flash-based video players, which locks some systems up

-Windows 7 broke flash (I was using Vista until recently, and never had these problems)

I did isntall Vista on a separate partition over the last weekend. Going to do some testing to see whether flash videos crash under Vista too..That would at least possibly rule out the last possibility (or confirm that Win7 is the culprit).




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New Here ,
Dec 02, 2009 Dec 02, 2009

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It appears that I have 'fixed' my problem with the Flash player.  I did 2 things at the same time, so I can't say for sure which corrected the problem, or maybe they were both involved.

First, I used the Adobe's uninstall_flash_player.exe program to do the uninstall.  Then I started looking around my hard drive to see if there were any remnants of the program that weren't removed.  I found bunches!  Under C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data and C:\Documents and Settings\'My Name'\Application Data, there are Flash Player sub-directories under both Adobe and Macromedia.  So, I renamed all of the Flash Player directories to Flash Player--.  (Note: I had to reboot to do this, as these directories were still in use somewhere, even though I had already uninstalled Flash Player)

I then went to FoxNews, who I was having trouble with previously, and, of course, the Flash video wouldn't play, because it wasn't installed.  However, there was a symbol in the Flash Player box saying 'Install Flash Player'.  I clicked on that, it took me to the Adobe website, installed Flash Player, and all has been well since.

I went back and looked at the directory structure to see if the Flash Player directories had been rebuilt, and they had indeed.  However, comparing the directories in the new installation to the old installation, there were some differences in the 'My Name'\Application Data\Marcomedia directory:

Old:  Macromedia\Flash Player\#SharedObjects\'RandomDirectoryName'\interactive.foxnews.com\FOX-News-Live-Stream.sol and s_br.sol

New: Macromedia\Flash Player\#SharedObjects\'RandomDirectoryName'\interactive.foxnews.com\projects\video-player\video-player.swf\foxBusinessvideoplayer.sol

My problem started when FoxNews changed formats for their videos, and, obviously, their subdirectory structure, but Flash didn't realize it and was still trying to function under the old directory structure.

I believe that if the Flash uninstall had deleted all of the Flash Player directories, and allowed them to be rebuilt, I wouldn't have ever had a problem.

Obviously, it doesn't sound like this is an answer for everybody, but it may help some.

Best of luck, and HEY ADOBE, ARE YOU LISTENING???

BTW, the only other website that I was having trouble with works now, too.




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New Here ,
Dec 02, 2009 Dec 02, 2009

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Well, considering I reformatted the entire hard drive and installed Win7 Pro x64 clean, I don't think that solution would work in my case.

There seems to be a number of separate issues with Flash and video playback, all resulting in the same symptoms (browser and/or whole computer crahses), but probably caused by different things.




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Explorer ,
Dec 02, 2009 Dec 02, 2009

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r everybody, but it may help some.

Best of luck, and HEY ADOBE, ARE YOU LISTENING???

Dont think they've been listening for months now.




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New Here ,
Dec 08, 2009 Dec 08, 2009

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Just to briefly sum up this mess of complaints, Flash player has consistently crashed web browsers on Win XP, Vista, Win 7, Win Server 2008, and Mac OS X, in some cases taking out the entire computer.  This did not begin at the same time for everyone, as the earliest report was months ago and people are still reporting new problems.  In some cases, there are a few web sites with flash content that can be viewed without a problem.  Many solutions have been found, such as replacing hardware, cleaning up the registry, or turning off a firewall, but each one only seems to work for a few people.  Several people have tried compleatly reistalling their OS, but I didn't see anyone reporting that it had worked.

Personally, I installed the Flash 10.1 developer release, and can usually avoid crashes if I'm nice, but again, it doesn't work for everyone.  I have a Macbook and prior to this probem starting I partitioned off part of my hard drive and installed Win 7, and I only have problems on the Mac partition.  I have not tried returning to the current version of Flash 10, but as it seems nothing has been done to resolve the problem I see no reason to.




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Dec 08, 2009 Dec 08, 2009

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It appears that there is not interest at Adobe about the thousands of hours people are wasting. Perhaps the only way to get attention is to slashdot them. It really seems that there is a myriad of problems with Flash -- so many that it may be wise for YouTube and others to find something that's reliable. If the TV blows up everytime you change the channel it's time to find something else to do.




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Explorer ,
Dec 08, 2009 Dec 08, 2009

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Theyre on my shitelist, Ive since stopped deploying their wares in a

professional environment, and have told customers why we are changing


They are not a must-have in any sense, and when they fix their problems,

if ever, I will be loathe to return to them seeing how we were treated

these months.




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Dec 09, 2009 Dec 09, 2009

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Is there an alternative to Flash Player? It seems like so many sites use flash that if you don't have some player, your browsing experience is severely crippled.




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New Here ,
Dec 09, 2009 Dec 09, 2009

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mobilegolfer272 wrote:

Is there an alternative to Flash Player? It seems like so many sites use flash that if you don't have some player, your browsing experience is severely crippled.

Well, for Linux there are some useable alternatives for playing flash content. For Windows and OSX however, I think you have no choice but to use the official player. Some of the Linux players exist for Windows, but they're rarely updated it seems.

Speaking of Linux, I think I should try the official flash plugin under Linux. Would be interesting to see how it behaves.




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New Here ,
Dec 09, 2009 Dec 09, 2009

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Sometime in the last month Adobe released a new version of Flash 10.  I downloaded it last night and it seems to work fine.  It will probably fix at least some other people's problems as well.  However, after installing it I tried the old version of Flash 10 and it worked too, so it's possible that the problem just fixed itself on my computer at the same time I downloaded the new Flash.




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Explorer ,
Dec 09, 2009 Dec 09, 2009

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Also new are an upgrade to firefox and Opera, and now everything broke

all over again. Sigh




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New Here ,
Dec 11, 2009 Dec 11, 2009

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It’s amazing how all this dialogue is going on at Adobe’s “so called” support site and they have not addressed this issue.  They are so arrogant.  Like everyone, I am sick of wasting hours reinstalling. I followed Adobe’s instructions  precisely.  What I think would be a good idea is start letting the sites you visit that you can’t visit them anymore because of flash player.  I already told Verizon that I can’t view or purchase ringtones or media.  I also put a post on some YouTube/Google forum.  When these big companies realize it’s gonna cost them lost visitors, maybe they’ll get on Adobe.  Here’s a sample letter below if you want to copy and paste it. Also here’s the email address for 2 of Adobe’s Press Release persons.  I’m going to keep emailing them too.  It’s funny, when I started typing this and was up to the submit part, Internet Explore crashed on me.  I hope this gets through.


  Press Release persons email addresses at Adobe

other way to get through to somebody at Adobe.     http://www.adobe.com/bin/webfeedback.cgi

Message was edited by Jochem van Dieten to remove email addresses




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Explorer ,
Dec 11, 2009 Dec 11, 2009

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Next they need to hire some technical support who can speak English.




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Dec 11, 2009 Dec 11, 2009

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Uh Marc,

Comments about people's ethnicity or language skills are totally out of line. Knock it off. Adobe's lameness aside, we're trying to figure out a technical problem here.

FWIW, per an earlier post, I uninstalled using the uninstaller and then deleted %APPDATA%\Roaming\Macromedia\Flash Player. Next I went to YouTube and downloaded the FlashPlayer again. It's working for now in Firefox. I'm on Windows 7. The other post mentioned a change in path for files that reside in this directory. It looks like some sort of a cache set up. Perhaps there's a bug in Flash that's exposed when site's old cache file appears to be ok but then other code looks for the new file name causing the hang. Just a theory.

Adobe, if that helps, please donate $1M to a charity to help folks to learn a second language to improve their world view.





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New Here ,
Dec 11, 2009 Dec 11, 2009

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Thank you for the help Mobilegolfer272, I'll try that on my clients computer tonight.  Hopefully it works.  Weirdest problem I've ever had to solve.  I've extended the time between crashes by giving the player more cache, so it may be connected somehow.

If they actually don't have english speaking tech support, that is a problem, same as it would be if they didn't have chinese or spanish speaking support.




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New Here ,
Dec 11, 2009 Dec 11, 2009

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Umm....Has anyone even attempted doing what I did to fix the issue.  I did it and haven't had any issues for two weeks, maybe a little more.  Just a thought, if anyone wants to know just say, and i'll type it in here again.  Not gonna retype it unless anyone wants to know, but i'm just saying, simple 5 min fix and no issues........at least for me it worked out that way.  lemme know....




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Dec 11, 2009 Dec 11, 2009

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another network admin wrote:

Umm....Has anyone even attempted doing what I did to fix the issue.  I did it and haven't had any issues for two weeks, maybe a little more.

No, this topic has become a forum for bashing Adobe and insulting the volunteers that try to help in this forum.  Most of the posters here are not interested in a solution.




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Explorer ,
Dec 12, 2009 Dec 12, 2009

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Well, maybe if they hired Americans who can code and respond to problems

in English instead of foreign job-pirate wage depressors, and not play

politickally korreckt games to hide their shortcomings, we might make

some progress.

Unfortunately, the methods Ive tried have yielded disturbingly poor

results, always failing a few days later at best.

We are not wearing politickally koreckt blinders, so we see the problem,

and fortunately, the product is not a must-have. We simply tell the

places we cant work with whats up and let them pressure you for a

solution. So while the curry burns, we will hunt for alternatives.

If you spent as much time as we have trying to hack a work-around

instead of getting all PC on us, we might find a solution. You appear to

be Adobe's spear-catcher, and are for the most part non-helpful. I am in

a free country and entitled to MY opinion, whether you like it or not.

ANOTHER ADMIN, kindly repost your method again, as I did not catch it

first time, thank you.

Ive tried a fresh cold, clean install in protected mode, and had limited

success. Sometimes IE will respond, sometimes Opera, sometimes I can

actually get Firefox to work, but never for more than a few days, and

never them all at once. My probs all involve trying youtube, and every

install works fine on the flash/shock test page.

TIA Marc




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