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McAfee Security Scan Plus

New Here ,
Sep 16, 2010 Sep 16, 2010

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New computer, installed Firefox, went to get Flash Player for Firefox.

Install the plugin, Firefox warning comes up about software trying to be installed, click "allow", install window pops up, 3;2;1, click install.

Adobe Download Manager comes up downloads Flash Player, Adobe Flash install programs starts, need to close Firefox to continue

Flash installed, McAfee Security Scan Plus installed.....

Huh? What? McAfee Security Scan Plus????

Their was no notification that McAfee Security Scan Plus was going to be installed.  Their was no check box.

I am an IT guy.  I dont get viruses. I dont fall for scams. I dont get phished.  I dont click "yes" on anything that pops up on my screen.  I fix all my family and freinds computers.  I build my own computers, I havent bought a premade pc from a company in over 15 years.  I am a Linux system admin.

When I install software, like Flash player, I read everything that pops up on my screen, except for the full EULA.

I cant wait till HTML5 becomes standard.  Then the world can rid itself of this resource hog and now apprently also a virus.

Adobe Flash did not notify me McAfee Security Scan Plus was being installed untill after it was installed.




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Sep 16, 2010 Sep 16, 2010

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Hi, For some reason Firefox uses the DLM. I recommended not using it and to Manually Install Flash Player into FF or IE.

To Remove the McAfee; just be sure to Reboot when you are finished.

You can uninstall through the McAfee Security Scan Plus folder:

Under Start menu, go to all Programs
Open McAfee Security Scan Plus folder
Select “Uninstall”
Additional information is available in the McAfee Security Scan Plus FAQ sheet. see that here:

http://us.mcafee.com/en-us/local/docs/adobe_mssp_faq.pdf   You must be an Admin to Uninstall

Hope that helps.





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New Here ,
Feb 21, 2013 Feb 21, 2013

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I know this is a dead thread but I can't find the answer to my problem.

I got McAfee installed just recently and I need it off my PC *now*.

When I go to Add/Remove and go to Uninstall, the McAfee window appears. However, the McAfee window is BLANK and I have no options to choose or even click on. It's just the McAfee borders around a gray window. Looks like McAfee didn't install correctly or something, but now I can't unintall it through normal means.

How can I uninstall McAfee without going through Add/Remove Programs? Running Windows Vista 64 bit.




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New Here ,
Feb 21, 2013 Feb 21, 2013

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You have to go through Add/Remove Programs. There is no other way. You can remove McAfee without affecting Adobe at all.




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Community Beginner ,
Oct 20, 2010 Oct 20, 2010

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Thanks for posting this. I thought I must have missed something.

I'm also very aware of these issues, and never agree to anything like this. The first I know about it is when DLM announces that it HAS (past tense) installed McAffe.

I am APPALLED by Adobe's insistence on bundling software that I never agreed to (and would never agree to).

I know I can uninstall it, but that's not the point, is it.

If only someone at Adobe would STOP THIS DETESTABLE PRACTICE (yes, I know I'm shouting).

I'm surprised this issue hasn't created more of a furore.




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Oct 21, 2010 Oct 21, 2010

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I agree that it is deplorable that companies these days seem to be unable to resist the urge to bundle unrelated softwares with their downloads.

PeterL7 wrote:

I am APPALLED by Adobe's insistence on bundling software that I never agreed to (and would never agree to).

But you did agree - by not unchecking the checkbox - to download the bundled software.


In the future just download the installers without DLM and bundled software from





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Community Beginner ,
Oct 21, 2010 Oct 21, 2010

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Thanks. You're right - I hadn't seen it.

Why do they put the tick box way over out of you're main sight line? My eye focusses straight on the bright yellow 'Download now' button

Question: Do you know if the stand-alone installer removes the old version?

Thanks, Peter




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Oct 21, 2010 Oct 21, 2010

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Yes, the standalone installers do remove old versions, except beta versions.

The installers won't remove the bundled McAfee crap however; you'll have to do that with the uninstaller posted earlier by eidnolb.




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Community Beginner ,
Oct 21, 2010 Oct 21, 2010

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Great, thanks.





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Nov 01, 2010 Nov 01, 2010

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I actually updated through Firefox using the DLM and there was no notice that it was going to install the McAfee crapware until it was installed (unless the checkbox was hidden at the bottom of the DLM install page but that's just as sneaky as not showing it at all).

We have corporate antivirus software installed already, I don't need Adobe's "help" installing some random software when I just want to update Flash player.




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Community Beginner ,
Nov 01, 2010 Nov 01, 2010

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Another one - BUT, I _DID_ see the tickbox for "Install McAfee scan-yer-ass-forget-about-yer-other-antivirus-efforts-software.. blah blah". 

AND, I UNCHECKED (it is default to checked, of course... Adobe basterds...)... I unchecked it... No thanks, y'know?   So, the fricking Adobe "Download Manager"  (ANOTHER PIECE OF JUNK I DO NOT WANT OR NEED!!! AAARRGH), and the download manager downloads The latest Flash.... THEN, it kicks off AGAIN, downloads the Flash again AND ALSO DOWNLOADS AND INSTALLS McAfee-scan-down-yer-throat junk!   I had checked NO, but it just auto-installed... and forget about a CANCEL this download/install feature... it is not there... it downloads it while you say/think "NO, THANK YOU, NO!"
....  then it installed it.

I had to do the uninstall, but don't feel comfortable with McAfee messing with my registry and ALL AGAINST MY WILL!!!

So, although it didn't prompt, I read here that someone suggests a reboot to fully remove the McAfee?  I am also removing the f-ing Adobe DLM.  I don't need another background process fishing around looking to update anything and everything every day!!   I'm taking it out.

HELL - I AM ABOUT TO BOYCOTT FLASH ALTOGETHER....   Just sick of the crap since Macromedia was gobbled up by Adobe.  Hell, I OWN Adobe Professional, great product.  But QUIT trying to shove stuff down our throughts... Techs/Devs/etc... can clean up after your garbage --- but so many friends, family and aquaintences get totally bogged down with all the B.S. the companies like Adobe slam on our machines with little regard.   Aaaargh!




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Community Beginner ,
Nov 02, 2010 Nov 02, 2010

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Agree with you aprilia1k. Why the hell DLM is needed is beyong me. I mean Firefox has its own addon system and it is able to lookup for updated but i guess Adobe dont like the way its done so they invent a system of their own. I think it blows also to have another thread open in the background just for this purpose. Sadly there are many sites still using flash but i hope they move to HTML5 so we dont have to install this crappy stuff with hidden installers.

Long ago Flash was a lightweight installer without to much jingles and bells but thoese days are gone (same thing goes for Acrobat Reader which i dont wanne get near my Macbook, its worse then a virus)




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New Here ,
Nov 03, 2010 Nov 03, 2010

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Also agree with aprilia1k.  I unchecked McAfee Security Scan Plus, but DLM still installed it.

This is at minimum a total annoyance as well as a privacy issue.  The install likely contacts McAfee (at least the DLM will notify them it is installed as advertised on getPlus' site) and who knows what other information is passed to McAfee.  Not to mention, the installation of unauthorized software (even antivirus) is considered a security risk to most.

Here are a couple "features" of NOS Micro's getPlus (aka Adobe DLM) features.  Note the privacy issues italicized and underlined? I assume multi-sourcing means it can download from Adobe and McAfee.

  • Interaction possibilities.
    Perform  actions and gather download relevant information from the client’s machine, e.g. determine completion and success of downloads.
  • Sophisticated functionalities.
    In  proxy authentication, automatic installation, sign-off and integrity  check by standard as well as optional features like download basket, multi-sourcing, demand detection, referral check, and market research.




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New Here ,
Nov 04, 2010 Nov 04, 2010

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After attempting for an hour to find a direct download for Acrobat Reader without adobe's DLM, I give up. It's comforting to see so many others have the same disdain for Adobe's shady practices. I finally settled on Foxit Reader - which attempts to slip its own adware-ish programs in. But for one, I expect and accept this from a smaller software vendor with less resources than giant Adobe. And furthermore, it is less deceptive in doing so and allows me to install WITHOUT any superflous download manager. Shame on you Adobe. I will boycott/avoid-unless-I-must-use your products at all cost until you have some respect for your customers.




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New Here ,
Mar 11, 2011 Mar 11, 2011

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In post #3 above, it is pointed out with a screen shot that the user did in fact agree to the installation of

McAfee Security Scan Plus.

Actually, we did NOT agree.  Adobe "agreed" for us already and it was up to us to DISAGREE.  It's a classic tactic that borders on scam.  I went to complain but only found a form on Adobe's site for either "bug reports" or "feature requests".  So I filled out the template for the bug report:

Concise problem statement:
Steps to reproduce bug:
1. McAfee Security Scan included in Reader download
2. Scanner software to be installed by default unless user sees and unchecks
3. Checkmark not clearly front and center on screen - making it easier to miss
Results:  System installs unasked-for bloatware, courtesy of Adobe
Expected results: At the very least, when I choose to use Adobe products, I am NOT giving them permission to ASSUME I want bloatware with it.  If you must include the option of added unrequested software, it would be a COURTESY to your loyal customers to UNCHECK the box by default and let THE CUSTOMER decide.





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Community Beginner ,
Mar 11, 2011 Mar 11, 2011

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@kidziti: very nice bug report and so true. I feel the same way. Very curious what Adobe will respond...




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New Here ,
Apr 04, 2011 Apr 04, 2011

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I was surprised to see my BitDfender PRO desactivated by Mcaffee security scan PLus during upodate to

adobe plugsin for firefoc without any authorisation nor popup to allow it .

strange policy from Adobe company.

I will caution using adobe now





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New Here ,
Apr 22, 2011 Apr 22, 2011

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I too want to complain about this disgusting behaviour by Adobe.

Not only bundling a completely worthless advertising product, but having it selected by default. I guess McAfee pays Adobe for every user they scam.

I've been trying to update Adobe, because every time I use mlb.tv it says I need to update Adobe. Each time I try, I get an error. The last time, it snuck the McAfee garbage past me, because I forgot to uncheck it.




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Community Beginner ,
Sep 09, 2011 Sep 09, 2011

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The default should be NOT to install this awful waste of resources.

I HATE idiotic Flash and cannot wait for html5 to put it out of business.




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Adobe Employee ,
Sep 09, 2011 Sep 09, 2011

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I've passed this info along to our management team.





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Community Beginner ,
Sep 13, 2011 Sep 13, 2011

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BTW, I don't want Google Chrome either. I'm using Firefox, I like Firefox, if I wanted Chrome I'd go and get it my self. I DON"T WANT ANYTHING ELSE EXCEPT FLASH (and I'd really rather not have that either).




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Community Beginner ,
Sep 12, 2011 Sep 12, 2011

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So do i! Flash is the worst pieace of software i have right now and i hate that i have to inefct even my Mac with it.

Sadly some of the sites i visit use this garbage or i would gladly get rid of it.

The damn thing cant even update itself, i have to google to find an uninstaller and re-install a new version. oooh and dont forget it has more holes then a swiss chease, i mean every second day or so they have a new update! I really wish HTML5 will make this damn software redundant.




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Community Beginner ,
Oct 26, 2010 Oct 26, 2010

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Just wanted to say that i got tricked to!!!! Was so supprise that McAfee Security Scan Plus got installed when i only wanted Flash.

I hate it when companies put extra SH*T in the package. To me McAfee initself is worse then a viruse. Much like yourself i never get any virus (been using a pc for 15+ years) and i dont like to get my pc infected with rootkits installed by McAfee thankyou.

Thank good i was using a test dummy image of my Acronis Trueimage to test some other stuff but now i know to never allow Flash DLM in firefox.

I also look forward to HTML5 so that we can ger rid of things like this.




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New Here ,
Oct 29, 2010 Oct 29, 2010

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If you ever want to come close to winning the battle with Apple, don't do THIS KIND OF USER UNFRIENDLY BEHAVIOR.




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New Here ,
Nov 01, 2010 Nov 01, 2010

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Is anyone from Adobe following this forum?

Please react..........

They should do anything to keep the runtime as lean and mean as possible and to not bother end users with anything.

They should do anything to not bother users with another mouse click or even a minisecond extra thought.

This really worries about the attitude of Adobes people responsible for the runtime.......

What else is there included that we do not know of.......?




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