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Reboots while watching flash movie.. Windows 7 64 bit

Jan 31, 2010 Jan 31, 2010

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I'll start by stating a few facts.

1. System reboots while watching flash movie  here http://www.soundblaster.com/worldofwarcraft/demo/welcome.aspx cool headphones, but not the point of this post.

2. I'm using Windows 7 Ulitmate 64 bit.

3. Firefox (latest version downloaded today) and fully updated windows 7 and IE8.

4. I turned off automatic system reboot on system failure in the System advanced settings

5. Both Firefox and IE8 cause the PC to reboot, but oddly Firefox takes longer than IE8; meaning I can view most of the flash content with Firefox, but IE8 usually crashes/ reboots much faster.  Note IE8 is the 32 bit version, since the flash player doesn't seem to work with the 64 bit version when I try that.

6. Only programs installed are CoDMW and CoDMW2, Batman Arkham Asylum.  No antivirus programs or spyware running.

7.  Happens if I use onboard video or I disable onboard and use my NVida GT210 card.

8.  I used the windows memory checker to see if I had a bad RAM chip, but nothing come back bad.

9. Sys reboot also happens at times when I play COD4, but not frequently.   that is I can play a few hours with nothing happening, but it's crashed 3x in the last two weeks with COD4.

I'm thinking it's windows 64 bit trying to run 32bit apps.   I don't think MS did a good job with making win7 64 running 32 bit apps.

Also, I don't understand why my system reboots when I turned off auto reboot on sys failure as I mentioned.   Is anyone else using Win7 64 bit and can watch the flash video link I posted?   I did recently build this computer system and I'm trying to figure out if it's my motheroboard/ RAM/ Adobe flash or Win 7 64 bit.   Unfortunately I can't swap the OS without wasting alot of money and RAM is pretty expensive to buy if I don't really need it.   Any ideas?






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New Here ,
Aug 31, 2010 Aug 31, 2010

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So I was away from this PC for a week+ on vacation and still have the issue, whether in Internet Explorer, Firefox or Chrome. Flash content = reboot.

To reply to the last post, this was a clean install of Windows 7 64bit with all brand new drivers. I have since been checking to see if new / current drivers have been released, none thusfar. There has been a new BIOS posted for my motherboard, but no mention of compatibility issues with Flash.

Still looking for an answer to this problem.






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Explorer ,
Sep 01, 2010 Sep 01, 2010

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Again, if flash player crashes in the most horrific way possible, the worst this could cause is for iexplore to shutdown.

It cannot cause your box to reboot or BSOD.

This is a driver crash or a power failure of some sort. Can you list all the critical/error events in event viewer from the time of your last two unplanned 'reboots'?





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New Here ,
Sep 01, 2010 Sep 01, 2010

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I decided to try out my old WD Raptor with the same Ghost image and the issue has gone away. I can

now watch flash content without getting the reboot.

To answer the question about what is in the Event Logs. There is nothing in the event logs, no MiniDump file no nothing.. nada, zilch, zip, zed a big goose egg.

So I am going to mess around with this Crucial C300 128GB SSD and see what I can do with it. I am sure there is some timing issue that is causing this.






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New Here ,
Dec 01, 2010 Dec 01, 2010

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So check it out. I accepted the updates this morning for CS5 and I get the reboot issue when viewing flash on websites. I just now reloaded Win7 64bit, Office 2k7, etc... no problems. Installed latest version of Flash 10.1.xx still no problems. Installed CS5 no problem, applying update now to see if that borks it.





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New Here ,
Dec 01, 2010 Dec 01, 2010

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I know it sounds unlikely, but Flash can somehow be involved in a reboot.  It may not be the sole culprit, but it is somehow involved.  I have Win 7 on three different machines (all different equipment) and on two of them I will get a reboot when viewing a site that uses Flash.  They can run all day long using other programs, but go to YouTube and watch a video and you won't make it 30 minutes.





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Dec 01, 2010 Dec 01, 2010

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There is no point posting in a topic that is marked as resolved.  Start a new topic if you have a question or problem.





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