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Upgraded Flash and now I can't view videos

New Here ,
Nov 22, 2009 Nov 22, 2009

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I've had this problem since upgrading flash player. Now sites I used to be able to view are asking me to upgrade my flash player. Yet it's already installed.

I've gone through the adobe troubleshooting page and uninstalled then reinstalled (several times). I've even tried installing an old version of flash - V9. Each time the adobe test page always shows that flash player is installed and I can see movies on the adobe site. I can also see google videos. But youtube won't show and neither will a tv channel I used to watch. They keep asking me to upgrade.

Stumped. Any ideas? I want to watch TV!






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Dec 02, 2009 Dec 02, 2009

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Ok, thanks and thanks for the post prior. I'm ok with the 2 entries of Java since one is for the old version and one for the

new. Not sure why the Flash10c.ocx in IE stays greyed out when you hi-lite the Shockwave Flash Object, it should "lite up". I'll think on it a bit.

Well, we are 1/2 way there. After reading on the Java plug-ins and on their forum users are having problems and it appears related to the code. Developers and Users alike can report a "bug", then Sun Java assigns an ID to it if and

when they want. Then they work to resolve the issue. So far so good; my problem is that some of these plug-ins make their way to computers. I entered that plug-in I asked you to check the exactness of in their search and it came up with

nothing. I entered it into the Bing search and found only 3 entries that even mentioned it, but nothing pertaining for

what it is supposed to be.

Here is what I propose. In IE only though. In the IE add ons for Java only. Disable every Java ActiveX (you have already

disabled the 2 BHO's) EXCEPT Java plug-in ActiveX Ctrl  jp2iexp.dll -This is for your older version that works with

J2SE runtime env 5 update 2 in Add/Remove. (Don't bother the Add/Remove items!)

After you do that in the IE add ons, you should have these :

1. Java plug-in ActiveX Ctrl jp2iexp.dll---ENABLED

2. Shockwave Flash Object Adobe Systems, Inc ActiveX Control Flash10c.ocx--- ENABLED

Then I would reboot once and check your youtube and tv channel in IE

Solly, we are not doing anything that can't be enabled if this doesn't work.

The sites will work off of your older version and activeX of Java that you were smart enough to leave installed.

My thoughts on this is that these Java ActiveX Controls are not playing happy together, so disable them all and see what happens. When we decide to add any back, we will do it one at a time.

The BBC iplayer and the Last.fm radio worked off of the older Java before, right?

Your thots?





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New Here ,
Dec 02, 2009 Dec 02, 2009

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Hi, Eidnob.

ok all done and reebooted. Neither youtube nor the tv channel will work in IE.

>>>>The BBC iplayer and the Last.fm radio worked off of the older Java before, right?

Yes, I've been using them for a long time. I tested last.fm and it's fine. Can't test BBC site because it's down.





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Dec 02, 2009 Dec 02, 2009

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Well, I'm sorry. I was hoping it would work. Now I don't understand why the sites would not work off of the older versions

since they did before and they are still there. And after installing the new version with all of the activeX controls, the sites didn't work with it either. It is almost like there is no Java at all working, old or new. Yes, I'm confused.  Well, you do say that now BBC iplayer is not working. So that means that one of those that was disabled is at least working with BBC i

player, right? If this is correct, then we need to Enable one and check BBC iplayer until we find which one works with it.

Let's start at the top of the list, so we have order.

1. Enable #1- isInstalled Class, ActiveX Ctrl, wsdetect.dll and then check BBC iplayer.  List Result___________

I count 8 Java entries in IE, with #1 being the one I just listed. Go thru the remaining 5. We want to leave the last 2 disabled since that is the change that allowed Last.fm radio and BBC iplayer to work in IE this morning.

When you find one that allows BBC iplayer to work, just stop. That way we will know.

I understand that this is a pain in the neck. I had to go thru it myself but I found out the problem. Just be glad you don't have 50 or more add ons like I've seen on here!! Do this whenever it's convenient for you.

Maybe the first one listed will be the one.

Thanks as always,





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New Here ,
Dec 02, 2009 Dec 02, 2009

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>>> Well, you do say that now BBC iplayer is not working. So that means that one of those that was disabled is at least working with BBC i player, right?

No, what I meant to say was the BBC site is down for maintenance so I can't know if it works right now. Sorry about the unclear expression!

Does this mean I don't have to go through the addons? I'll check the bbc site again tomorrow.





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Dec 02, 2009 Dec 02, 2009

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Thanks for the BBC report. That post of mine, I tried to edit it but it wouldn't let me! Disregard it. I remember what I said so I will just do it over. The forum is acting up too today!

Part of what I wanted to say is forget about all of that enable one, then checking etc. I changed my mind:-) Which

is my prerogative, I think.

Just enable the first 6 Java ActiveX that we disabled. Yes I numbered them 1-8. The last 2 we want to keep disabled.

Did I mention Java and FP are like twin monsters?

Anyway, disregard most of what I said on that other post. Sorry, couldn't edit.

Hope you have a nice night/day.

Thanks Solly

Talk to you tomorrow.





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New Here ,
Dec 02, 2009 Dec 02, 2009

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BBC site is back and it does work in IE.

I'll have to go through the enabling of addons tomorrow. Way past my bedtime.

Talk later.





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Dec 13, 2009 Dec 13, 2009

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Hi Solly, Just checking to see what progress you have made. With FP in IE and the ActiveX and the FP plug in installed

in FF, there must be a conflict with the add ons. I am not that familiar with FF. I know you disabled the FF extensions and that seemed to help some. Do you think you have to uninstall any?

Let me hear from you on your status when you can.






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New Here ,
Dec 13, 2009 Dec 13, 2009

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now that there is even a newer version than what solly was looking for, ....S

olly are you able to update yet again?





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Dec 13, 2009 Dec 13, 2009

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Updatetime, I see that you have created 4 threads with different subject matter and have responded to 2, making your total posts of 6 since registering on 12/12/09.

Just a suggestion for your benefit is that you post 1 thread with a subject matter and post to that if you have additional

information or other questions. No one can help you if you post a new thread everytime you have a question or comment.

It is a little difficult to try to follow you all over the forum and it is not only confusing to those that may try to help you, it

is confusing to you also.






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New Here ,
Dec 14, 2009 Dec 14, 2009

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Yep. All working. It's a Christmas Miracle on Adobe  Street. And Eidnolb is dressed as Santa.

This was the successful sequence, based on your advice:
- download the standalone uninstall and install exe files to my desktop  from the site you recommended
- disconnect internet
- close all windows.
- disable Norton.
- run the uninstall exe file from desktop
- reboot twice
- disable Norton
- run the install exe file for firefox from  desktop
- reboot
- enable Norton, open it and disable ad  blocking
- open firefox, go to youtube et  voila! Beautiful video.

I can keep my adblock addon in FF active and it appears  to be ok now for youtube, last.fm and bbc iplayer. For the TV channel I have to  disable it for that site only using the button on the menu bar. So it seem I can  keep all my addons and extensions active in FF. 

I then did the same procedure for IE6: closed all  windows, disconnected internet, disabled Norton then ran the install exe file  for IE from my desktop. After rebooting, IE works perfectly. Lots of telly just in time for Christmas.

Thankyou, Eidnolb, for your time and patience and thoroughness!! I  probably would have given up without your help. You're a credit to the forum.





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Dec 14, 2009 Dec 14, 2009

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Solly, glad to hear of your success! I like the "Christmas miracle on Adobe Street" LOL And I am Santa? You are too

funny:-) It took a lot of steps to get to the place you have just described. I have to give you much credit as well since

you were willing to follow the instructions that I suggested. Not that they all worked all of the time, but you understood as I did that we were working with all of the variables in IE and FF. Hardly ever is there a one or two step fix.

Also I was glad you knew about FF, since I wasn't. Ad-block & Norton, hmmmm. I'll keep that in mind.

Thank you for your kind words. We worked hard, girl

So now I'll wish you a very Merry Christmas and a prosperous Happy New Year!!  I'm sure you will enjoy having all of

your favorite programs working again & together!!!






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New Here ,
Nov 25, 2009 Nov 25, 2009

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but every time i do it say's can't continue there's nothing to download i need help cause all of a sudden i can't view vids online in any website hit me up on my aim i really need help enysk8r718 and bknykid1990. and my name is jay





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Nov 25, 2009 Nov 25, 2009

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Attention: Jose Fernandez718, Just to let you know this thread that you posted to is not about"try'd to upgrade"

You need to start your own thread with your own problem. The poster that you responded to on this thread is not

going to be able to help you. He is currently receiving help from me.  This thread was started by Sollysolly and the

subject of this thread is "(Flash Player) Upgraded Flash and now I can't view videos"  Everyone has an opportunity

to start their own thread with their own problem, so please do so.






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Nov 29, 2009 Nov 29, 2009

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This is the same problem that I'm having. Flash player kept making safari crash, and I upgraded to the new version. Now I cant view certain sites and videos. What I did find out is if you log in as a different user flash works better. I've been using the internet like this for a few months now, but up until this point no one has given me an answer for this.





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New Here ,
Dec 02, 2009 Dec 02, 2009

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For mrma2ts - thanks for the tip but I don't logon to this pc so I can't try that. Hope you find a fix!





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New Here ,
Dec 01, 2009 Dec 01, 2009

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I recently had the same problem. I solved it by using the control panel.


After reading the info I was able to adjust the settings to suit my need, which is to view flash content on the web.

Hope it's that simple for you!

Good luck!





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New Here ,
Dec 02, 2009 Dec 02, 2009

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Hey, Matt. That site is asking me to download flash which, tempting as it is, sounds a lot like Eidnolb's "doing nothing" - where angels fear to tred. If you've been reading you'll know that my life and will are temporarily on loan to Eidnolb. Thanks for the tip. I'll await Eidnolb's comments.





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