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what is the difference between adobe flash player and adobe shockwave player?

New Here ,
Sep 18, 2012 Sep 18, 2012

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hello, all --

first, i am a newbie of long standing , and i apologize for my ignorance.  i hope the kind and gracious people here will have mercy.

second, i am cross-posting this Q in the "adobe shockwave player" forum.  if it is not appropriate to post in more than one forum at a time, please tell me, then put this inquiry wherever you think it most applicable.

i ask about the difference between these two applications because i have been trying to install a newer version of flash player; i have 11.4.402.265 and am aiming for 11.4.402.278.  somehow, tho, i got directed into installing shockwave player instead.  (i've had some other problems too, but they are relatively different, so i'll address them in a separate discussion.)

right now i just need to know whether i've wrecked my computer, if i should try to undo what i've done, what have i done, should i or does if it matter if i have both of these programs on my computer at once, and any other issues that more knowledgeable people can tell i need to be asking about but am too tech-unsavvy to know to include.

thanks for whatever help anyone can provide.   i am on a dell optiplex 330, windows pro XP/SP3, IE 8.0.6001.18702.

-- susie margaret




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correct answers 1 Correct answer

LEGEND , Sep 19, 2012 Sep 19, 2012

Hello again,

From the Shockwave FAQ page:

Flash and Shockwave Players are both free web Players from Macromedia. Together, they bring you the best rich media content on the Internet. Each has a distinct purpose. Flash Player delivers fast loading front-end web applications, high-impact web site user interaction, interactive online advertising, and short to medium form animation.

Shockwave Player displays destination web content such as interactive multimedia product demos and training, e-merchand



Sep 19, 2012 Sep 19, 2012

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Hello again,

From the Shockwave FAQ page:

Flash and Shockwave Players are both free web Players from Macromedia. Together, they bring you the best rich media content on the Internet. Each has a distinct purpose. Flash Player delivers fast loading front-end web applications, high-impact web site user interaction, interactive online advertising, and short to medium form animation.

Shockwave Player displays destination web content such as interactive multimedia product demos and training, e-merchandising applications, and rich-media multi-user games. Through Xtras, Shockwave Player is also extendable to playback custom-built applications.




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New Here ,
Sep 19, 2012 Sep 19, 2012

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hello, pat --

thank you so much for your response.  between yours and one i got at my duplicate inquiry, http://forums.adobe.com/message/4709273#4709273, i feel much reassured.

i was advised -- very graciously -- that i should not post Qs in two forums, so i'll put a cross-reference in my duplicate message to send people to this thread too.

thank you for your willingness to help.

-- susie margaret




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