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Hello. I have FrameMaker 2017 ( running on Windows 10 Enterprise 1803 (17134.885). I don't use FrameMaker every day. Today, I am unable to save as a PDF a 58-page, three-chapter-plus-cover-and-TOC book; FrameMaker stops responding, and Distiller does not start running. I also tried printing it using the Adobe PDF print driver, and that also froze FrameMaker.
When I then tried saving a 14-page, two-chapter-plus-cover-and-TOC as PDF, Distiller ran but the job failed.
Please help.
Thank you.
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And what happens, when you hide all graphics (View | Options)? Is everything much faster?
Do you have issues only with this single FrameMaker file or also with others?
Does the printing to a PostScript file also take such long? What's the file size of this PostScript file?
Best regards
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And what happens, when you hide all graphics (View | Options)? Is everything much faster? - I haven't yet tried that.
Do you have issues only with this single FrameMaker file or also with others? - As mentioned above, another, similar book successfully prints to a PostScript file and then to PDF using Distiller.
Does the printing to a PostScript file also take such long? - Printing to a PostScript file doesn't take as long as Saving As PDF, but it does take at least a few minutes.
What's the file size of this PostScript file? - The original, 58-page book, without an Adobe Illustrator file on page 6 of chapter 1 that I thought might be causing the issue: 178 MB (wow). The other, similar, 57-page book: 30 MB.
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And what happens, when you hide all graphics (View | Options)? Is everything much faster? - Yes, everything is much faster.
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So it seems that you only have issues with a single book. And in this problem book there is a problem Illustrator file. When you remove only this file, can you create the PDF?
How do you import the Illustrator file? Referenced? As AI or EPS? When AI, please save as EPS (without any Illustrator specifics) and then import this EPS instead.
The file size of your PostScript file isn't a problem. I have a catalogue with a PostScript files or more than 1 GB.
Best regards
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So it seems that you only have issues with a single book. - This is not true. The other, similar, 57-page book took over an hour to Save As PDF.
And in this problem book there is a problem Illustrator file. When you remove only this file, can you create the PDF? - This is not true. Removing the AI file did not resolve the issue.
How do you import the Illustrator file? Referenced? As AI or EPS? When AI, please save as EPS (without any Illustrator specifics) and then import this EPS instead. - I believe it is copied, not referenced. I'll try saving as EPS (without any Iullustrator specifics.)
The file size of your PostScript file isn't a problem. I have a catalogue with a PostScript files or more than 1 GB. - Got it. Thanks.
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The current status is:
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I had not encountered any file which took an hour to print to a PostScript file or Save As PDF. Even my 1 GB PostScript files took 15 to 20 minutes.
Generally EPS is the safest format.
When this does not work, then I assume that your graphics are very special.
You can also convert your TIF file to EPS and test this. Or try other formats.
What I had not asked yet: You do not have CMYK activated, don't you?
When you print to a PostScript file, what's the file size when you show your graphics?
When you do not have such special graphics files, you can continue to Save As PDF. When you encounter any issues, you know that you can also print to PostScript. And that it might take a long time.
Best regards
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I'm wondering if there's a corrupt graphic in your file.
My first reaction is to try performing a MIF wash of all the files in the book, if you haven't done so already. Adobe has a utility that will do that for you, but you have to install it first. (Honestly, I don't know why they don't just add it to the File > Utilties menu, it's too useful not to have it as part of the program right out of the box.)
If that doesn't solve the problem, I'd use the "divide and conquer" method. Your book is fairly short, so I'd start by printing each file separately as a PDF (rather than the entire book) to find out if it's only one file causing the issue. Once (if?) you can narrow it down to one file, you then print it out in halves. That is, if it's 10 pages long, print pages 1-5 and then 6-10 to see if the issue crops up in both sections or just one. Repeat until you can narrow it down to one page. If there's one or more graphics on that page, see what happens when you remove them. If, as I suspect, it's a corrupt graphic, then recreating it should solve the issue.
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Cool. Thanks, again, linsims, for your time and effort.
At the same time, the books should be publishing the same as they did up until last week. Therefore, if the MIF wash doesn't resolve this issue, I hope an Adobe Support representative will help me resolve it. I only now realized that you and Winfried are Adobe Community Professionals, which might mean that you are not on the Adobe Support team.
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Current status: I performed a MIF wash and it now takes about 10 minutes to save this particular book as a PDF. Not great, but certainly better than yesterday (Tuesday) and last week. Thank you, linsims.
I also sent an email to open a ticket with Adobe Support.
Again, thank you very much for all of your time and effort.
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Yes @jaya56227078 - these are primarily user-to-user forums.
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Current status: Patting myself on the back, while also feeling a little stupid.
This morning, on my way to work, it dawned on me that my company has a subscription for me to use FrameMaker and that I should be able to upgrade from FrameMaker 2017 to FrameMaker 2019. I did, and I can now save this particular book as a PDF much more quickly than I ever have.
Again, thank you all for your time and effort.