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Automatically populate table title with paragraph tag

Explorer ,
Oct 27, 2020 Oct 27, 2020

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About a year ago when I started using FrameMaker I created an "Image Table" that was 1 Column and 1 Row to insert illustrations in line with a document. When I set it up I set it to have a table title below the table and that served as a caption box the title is automatically populated with Figure: <$chapnum>-<figure number> i.e. Figure: 1-1. Well, we updated the numbering for the figures and I created a new paragraph style with the new formula but can't remember for the life of me figure out how to insert the table with the title # already in the title box. Any tips for this so I don't have to go through 133 images and change each one manually and I can just update the style and have them re-number automatically?

Formatting and numbering






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Community Expert ,
Oct 27, 2020 Oct 27, 2020

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Hi Dustin:


Are asking about inserting 133 new tables with styles preassigned or are trying to edit the title style of 133 existing tables? I'm sorry, I'm not clear on the question.







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Explorer ,
Oct 27, 2020 Oct 27, 2020

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See the attached table When I insert the table the title is pre populated with the Figure: H:Figure: <$chapnum>-< >< >< ><n+>\t  At some point I created an "Image Table" that was a 1 column 1 row table that has an empty cell for the image and the title "pre-loaded" with the number included (2nd image attached)

currently they populate with a Figures 2.2 paragraph tag and I created a Figures 1-1 paragraph style that I want to use instead Image_Table.png






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Community Expert ,
Oct 27, 2020 Oct 27, 2020

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Hi Dustin:


So would like the new image table title style to be pre-populated as the caption when inserting new tables?


  1. Insert one new single cell table.
  2. Create and assign a table style. Format as desired. (i.e., move title under table to serve as a caption.) Update Style.
  3. Apply the new title/caption paragraph style (and desired paragraph style in the single cell).
  4. After applying the correct styles, choose Update Style again in the Table Designer. This second Update Style saves the style assignments with the table style, and each new table will now come in with those styles pre-assigned, when you use specify that table style. 









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Explorer ,
Oct 27, 2020 Oct 27, 2020

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So basically I need to re-create the table with the desired title information included so that the next time I insert an "Image Table" it auto-numbers with the appropriate paragraph tag included in the table title field?

I tried updating the current table by switching the paragraph tag from "Figure 2.2" to "Tech Manual 1-1" and it would not update all of the Image Tables when I clicked Update Style.  





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Community Expert ,
Oct 27, 2020 Oct 27, 2020

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Hi Dustin:


This is what I was trying to clarify with my first question—are you inserting 133 new tables with styles preassigned or are trying to edit the title style of 133 existing tables? Now, I think you are saying a combination of both?


I've explained how to set this up for new tables. Hopefully, you have tested this by now and it is working as expected.


To update the exisitng image tables—if you didn't just edit the image table title style, but instead created a new one—then use Edit > Copy Special > Paragraph Format to copy the new image table title style to the clipboard and use Find/Change paragraph format to search for the old style name and change By Pasting. You will be done in a just a few more minutes. 







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Explorer ,
Oct 27, 2020 Oct 27, 2020

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I am trying to edit the style of 133 existing styles. Not trying to re-invent the wheel but just refine it. I changed the formula used to auto number the images. I just need to get the new formula to be included to number the figures. In the past when I've done this I've just made my changes hit apply and then update style and all of the instances of that paragraph tag get updated across the document. However, when I do this for the paragraph tag in the table tilts it updates the current table but not the others. 





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Community Expert ,
Oct 28, 2020 Oct 28, 2020

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Hi Dustin,


You said that in the past you changed the settings in the paragraph format and clicked update, and this change was automatically applied to all the paragraphs in the table titles.

And now this does not work.

In your first e-mail you said that you created a new paragraph format. Then this new paragraph format will not be applied to existing paragraphs with another paragraph format.

For existing tables do as Barb said:

Put the insertion mark in a paragraph with the new format.

Copy Special the paragraph format into the clipboard.

In the Find/Change dialog select Paragraph Tag and enter the existing, old paragraph format name.

In the Change list select By Pasting.

Possibly you should also select Whole Word. Otherwise other paragraph formats might be found. (E.g. your search paragraph format is FigureTitle, but you also have FigureTitleBlue. Then FigureTitleBlue will also be found, when Whole Word is not selected.)

Then test this first with a single paragraph. Only when this works and you are completely sure, click Change All. Possibly you make a backup first and save it elsewhere.


For new tables do as Barb said:

Take one of your tables.

In the table title change the paragraph format to your new format.

In the Table Designer click Update Style.


You might also import the Paragraph Formats and Table Formats into this file and remove Other Format/Layout Overrides


Best regards







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Community Expert ,
Oct 28, 2020 Oct 28, 2020

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Hey Dustin:


I just wanted to check back in to make sure you are back on track with your table titles.


In the past when I've done this I've just made my changes hit apply and then update style and all of the instances of that paragraph tag get updated across the document. However, when I do this for the paragraph tag in the table tilts it updates the current table but not the others. 

This last update leads to me to believe that you either have two different paragraph styles for the table titles, or you are dealing with overrides that need to be removed. We are happy to continue to help (and I am happy to look at your file if that would help). Just let us know. 








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