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Hi there
We'd want to build a simple control version system for our documentation developed with Framemaker 2019 unstructured. Right now we don't need merge capabilities at all, just saving project files (.fm, .book, and other resouces) sent from writers, lock the files that they're worwing, manage versions and so on.
I'm evaluating some svn-like solutions (git and others) but I noticed that maybe Sharepoint is good enough for this task and it's well integrated on FrameMaker. Is sharepoint a viable solution for this goal? Is there anybody on this forum that is using sharepoint in this way?
Thanks a lot for your time
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I can't speak to the version control with SharePoint, because I've rarely used SharePoint and never for this sort of thing.
I can tell you that if you're hoping to use anything like svn or git to branch or merge unstructured Frame files, you're in for a disappointment. They can be used for version control in the way you're describing, but you can't use them to diff or merge FrameMaker files because those files are binary, not text. You'd have to move to some form of XML (DITA/structured) or convert back and forth from MIF if you want to be able to do that. Again, not something I've done so I've got vague theory ...
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It's fine linims, I know this limitation and don't care about it. We don't need to merge files right now, just control version. My company wants to buy a bunch of sharepoint licences and I've seen the chance of using them as a control version system with FrameMaker if Sharepoint can work in this manner and without investing too much effort configuring it.
Best regards