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Error message when trying to apply master page

Participant ,
Dec 04, 2019 Dec 04, 2019

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I think I broke something and need help figuring out how to fix it. I'm new to FrameMaker so I'm hoping this is an easy fix.


My document has 14 chapters plus two appendices. The chapters all follow the same basic master page (with room for 1.25-inch side head), while the appendices don't have a side head. At some point, I went to copy a new paragraph style from one chapter to all the other chapters, but I inadvertently copied all of the formats ... from one of my appendices. Now all of my chapters have lost the side-head master page (along with the chapter-specific headers and footers).


I re-created the master page for one of my chapters and went to re-apply it to all of the other chapters, but I'm now getting the error message, "No master pages applied because the MasterPageMaps table contains no mapping information." I get this message in two situations:


  • If I try to apply the master page at the book level, to all of my chapters.
  • In one instance, where I re-created the master page (a second time) in another chapter and tried to apply it to that chapter.


I am following the instructions in the help content, so I'm wondering if this is a bug rather than a newbie error. I've researched this community and have found a couple of posts on this same error message, but the answers there don't seem to apply to my situation.


For reference, I'm using unstructured FrameMaker version







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Engaged ,
Dec 04, 2019 Dec 04, 2019

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To reapply the Master Page, you can select the files to which you want ot apply is and choose

Import formats/Page Layouts.

and select the file in which the Master page is set up correctly.


Is that what you are doing?





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Participant ,
Dec 05, 2019 Dec 05, 2019

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Yes. This is why I'm thinking it may be a bug. I ended up going through every chapter and re-creating the master page for each. When I went to make the changes (such as adding the side head), FrameMaker seemed to think the changes were already there. But after I made them a second time, I was able to apply it each time. Weird.





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