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Dear experts,
I try to find any character format with the following script:
var aLocNames = [], j, jMax, oFindParms, oPgf, sTag, tRange, tRange, zz;
tRange = new TextRange();
oPgf = oDoc.MainFlowInDoc.FirstTextFrameInFlow.FirstPgf;
tRange.beg.obj = tRange.end.obj = oPgf; // set up the starting TR
tRange.beg.offset = tRange.end.offset = 0;
// Find any character format iFS, iFV, sSearch, iMode, bWord, bCase, bBack (wildcard)
oFindParms = KLD_F.GetFindParameters (5, 0, "*", 1, false, false, false);
KLD_Z.InitFA_errno (); // reset - it is write protected
tRange = oDoc.Find (tRange.beg, oFindParms);// initial find
zz = FA_errno;
oDoc.TextSelection = tRange; // debug: indicate visually
sTag = tRange.beg.obj; //<<<<<<< How to find the tag name?
while(FA_errno === Constants.FE_Success) {
tRange = oDoc.Find (tRange.beg, oFindParms);
zz = FA_errno; // debug: 0 OK; -95 not found
oDoc.TextSelection = tRange; // debug: indicate visually
sTag = tRange.beg.obj; //<<<<<<< How to find the tag name?
tRange.beg.offset += 1; // to continue search
Text range is found and highlighted, if script is stopped.
However, tRange.beg.obj is a paragraph object, which does not have a property for the character format.
IMHO I need to do this:
Get the paragraph and search it's parts with textObj.GetText(Constants.FTI_CharPropsChange);
But how t handle the flag Constants.FTF_CHARTAG ?
This may be useful to you Klaus:
#target framemaker
var doc, pgf, fmtsInUse;
fmtsInUse = [];
doc = app.ActiveDoc;
pgf = doc.TextSelection.beg.obj;
getPgfCharFmts (pgf, doc, fmtsInUse);
alert (fmtsInUse);
function getPgfCharFmts (pgf, doc, fmtsInUse) {
var end = Constants.FV_OBJ_END_OFFSET, begin = 0, textRange = 0, prop, charTag;
var textList = pgf.GetText(Constants.FTI_CharPropsChange);
for (var i = textList.length - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1) {
if (Constants.
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This may be useful to you Klaus:
#target framemaker
var doc, pgf, fmtsInUse;
fmtsInUse = [];
doc = app.ActiveDoc;
pgf = doc.TextSelection.beg.obj;
getPgfCharFmts (pgf, doc, fmtsInUse);
alert (fmtsInUse);
function getPgfCharFmts (pgf, doc, fmtsInUse) {
var end = Constants.FV_OBJ_END_OFFSET, begin = 0, textRange = 0, prop, charTag;
var textList = pgf.GetText(Constants.FTI_CharPropsChange);
for (var i = textList.length - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1) {
if (Constants.FTF_CHARTAG & textList[i].idata) {
begin = textList[i].offset;
if (begin !== end) {
textRange = new TextRange (new TextLoc (pgf, begin), new TextLoc (pgf, end));
prop = doc.GetTextPropVal (textRange.beg, Constants.FP_CharTag);
if ((prop.propIdent.num) && (prop.propVal.sval !== "")) {
// Get the character format that is applied to the text range.
charTag = prop.propVal.sval;
if (fmtsInUse.indexOf (charTag) === -1) {
fmtsInUse.push (charTag);
end = begin;
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Thank You very much, Rick!
I just had to put a loop around to get a complete list of the used character tags - and then applied a sort which removed duplicates:
oPgf = oDoc.MainFlowInDoc.FirstTextFrameInFlow.FirstPgf;
while (oPgf.ObjectValid()) {
getPgfCharFmts (oPgf, oDoc, aLocNames);
oPgf = oPgf.NextPgfInDoc
The catalogue may report more character formats as used than this function does. IMHO the catalogue is wrong, because the additionally flagged formats can not be found with the Find/Change dialogue…