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I have written this already somewhere else - but today it annoys me more than usual:
Opening the downloaded version of the FDK reference pdf (it is just 8MB, 1065 pages) takes half a minute in my Acrobat 2017. Opening the FM-15 version (5MB, 1073 pages) takes a few seconds.
I tried to shrink the FM-16 version down - but there is transparancy somwhere which hinders this.
What is wrong with this file ?
Another annoyance is the FM-16 User Guide: it takes 3½ minutes to open for 25 MB. I do not understand this.
Even the FM-15 Getting Started Guide with 1 GB (includes many videos) opens in seconds!
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I was wondering if that was happening to anyone else. The last two Help PDFs take forever to open, or to search.
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The issue does not seem to be of great interest ...
I find more and more PDFs of newer date which behave similar.
I tried this:
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Hm. Just tried it, and it the FDK Reference opens up virtually instantly on my machine without any delay (Windows 10, Acrobat Pro DC 2020.013.20064). Same for the User Guide.
I also tested both files on my iPhone, and both files open there without any delay.
Maybe the old Acrobat 2017 has some difficulties with the heavy tagging of these files?
I have uploaded the FDK Reference to my Document Cloud:
Open it up from there (also on Acrobat on your mobile phone and in the browser) to check if it works smoother there.
Note, that first opening will take some time as the file first has to be downloaded.
By the way, scrolling through the PDF is SO MUCH smoother on Acrobat on my Macbook and my iPad/iPhone than it is on Acrobat on my Windows PC. The experience cannot be compared even remotely.