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I am trying to pull out the values from F_StringsT array but i am not getting exact string values as i want.
In my case i have a variable colorType of type F_StringsT and if i use following code it return values as specified -
StringT test = colorType.val[0]; In this case value of test is 0x0F19D690
and value returned by *colorType.val[0]; is "81 'Q'" (within double qoutes).
What i want to get back is literal string "QRH".
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
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I am not exactly sure about this, but your colorType array is likely an array of Color objects or ids. So test would be a Color object id and that Color object has a StringT FP_Name property. I program in ExtendScript so my syntax might not be correct but I am familiar with the FrameMaker API object model.
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F_StringsT colorType;
F_AttributesT attrs = F_ApiGetAttributes(docId, hleId);
if (attrs.len)
for (size_t i = 0; i < attrs.len; i++)
if (F_StrIEqual(attrs.val[i].name, COLOR_TYPE))
colorType = F_ApiCopyStrings(&attrs.val[i].values);
StringT test = colorType.val[0];
This is the exact code and colorType is an array of attribute values. So i want to extract the exact value of attribute as how it is shown in framemaker.
for example ColorType = "QRH" This is how it is in framemaker and what i want is QRH.
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OK, I see what you are doing. Here is how I do it with ExtendScript. You may be able to adapt it for the FDK.
function getAttributeValue (element, name) {
var attrList = element.Attributes, i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < attrList.length; i += 1) {
if (attrList[i].name === name) {
if (attrList[i].values[0] !== undefined) {
return (attrList[i].values[0]);
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Here is a chunk of C code that I found on my old system:
VoidT F_ApiCommand(IntT command)
F_ObjHandleT docId, defId;
F_ElementRangeT erange;
F_AttributesT attrs;
UIntT i = 0;
docId = F_ApiGetId(FV_SessionId, FV_SessionId, FP_ActiveDoc);
erange = F_ApiGetElementRange(FV_SessionId, docId, FP_ElementSelection);
attrs = F_ApiGetAttributes(docId, erange.beg.parentId);
if(attrs.len >0)
for(i = 0; i <attrs.len; i++)
if(attrs.val[i].values.len > 0)
F_Printf(NULL, "Attribute %d: %s = %s.\n", i, attrs.val[i].name, attrs.val[i].values.val[0]);
F_Printf(NULL, "Attribute %d: %s. =NOVALUE!\n", i, attrs.val[i].name);
F_ApiAlert("Attribute check complete.", FF_ALERT_CONTINUE_WARN);