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FrameMaker crashes when changing the root element of a book

Advisor ,
Apr 05, 2023 Apr 05, 2023

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The following steps cause FrameMaker to crash:

1. With no files open, use File > New > Book to create a new book. The Structure View shows one empty NoName element.

2. Create or open an EDD that defines a container named Book that is valid as a highest-level element.

3. Go back to the book and import element definitions from the EDD.

4. Select the NoName element in the Structure View.

5. Use Ctrl-3 or Element > Change Element to attempt to change NoName to Book. FrameMaker crashes.

Rebooting my machine and deleting the appropriate subdirectory of %appdata%\Adobe\FrameMaker do not help.

This crash occurs in FM 2019, FM 2020, and FM 2022, but not in FM 12, FM 2015, and FM 2017.






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