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How can I create Arrow type of Bullet in Adobe Frame Maker?
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You may have a look at "Define a blob line tip"
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This document is quite helpful. Thank you!
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Here's a breakdown of using characters in free custom fonts for bullets and setting size/color.
I also use a MIF fragment (p485 of FrameMaker - Working with Content) to adjust the baseline shift for the large icons I use for Warnings, Notes, and Cautions.
Baseline Shift isn't explicitly available in the Character Designer, so I set the FDY property via MIF as in the following example:
<FTag `FontAwesome'>
<FFamily `FontAwesome'>
<FEncoding `FrameRoman'>
<FSize 28.0 pt>
<FDY 45.0%>
<FLocked No>
<FSeparation 5>
<FColor `2017 Accent Color'>
> # end of Font
> # end of FontCatalog
# End of MIFFile
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Thank you Matt. I'll take a look into it.
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Wingdings 3 is mostly arrows. Create a character style and apply it in the numbering section of the paragraph style.
Here is a link to a PDF that shows the various wingding and webding characters:
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Thank you Creamer.
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See also the suggestion ⎆in your duplicate thread.
If your main document font populates the codepoint for a suitable Unicode arrow or arrow-like glyph, use that, as described on the other thread.
If your font doesn't, and you have to resort to another Unicode font, use a Character Format that just calls for Font Family.
Avoid using a legacy codepage font such as Wingdings, as the intended glyph will not survive into all output workflows.
Wingdings [→] (0xE0) may be expected to render as [à ] in HTML/XML output.
U+2192 (\u2192) RIGHTWARDS ARROW would be what you want for that arrow.