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I'm updating a document that has markers at the start of several pieces of text. How can I tell what they are?
Right-clicking doesn't shed any light on this.
The Find tool lets me find markers, but when I specify "Marker - any type" I can't tell what type of marker I've found.
The box below where you specify what to find must be where to put in the marker type if I specify "Marker - of type" but I'm not sure what all the marker types are, and either I'm not putting in marker type names correctly or I'm just guessing wrong. How do I figure out what these markers are?
(Why is this hard?)
1 Correct answer
View > Panels (or Pods) > Markers will reveal a Markers palette that should be helpful.
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View > Panels (or Pods) > Markers will reveal a Markers palette that should be helpful.
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Hi @kemulholland:
I'll just add to Rick's correct answer that you want to keep the Marker panel open during the duration of this activity.
Because markers are so slender, once you find it, if you click on the page, you may lose it and have to start the search over again. I mention this because I see so many people move their mouse and their eyes together and the unintentional page click deselects the marker and then they have to stop to figure out which marker was selected. This is exacerbated by the fact that multiple markers overprint each other so it can be really hard to find one again if you inadvertently deselect it.
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There are two marker pods:
Markers - Shows all markers. You can use the arrow keys to move from one marker to the next.
Marker - To create a new marker. When this pod is _closed_, while you select a marker (e.g. via the Find/Change pod), the Marker pod will _not_ show the details of the selected marker. The Marker pod has to be _open_, before you select the marker!
Both pods show also the marker type.
And yes, when you want to find a marker of a certain type via the Find/Change pod, you have to enter the marker type with the correct spelling (upper/lower case, possibly any spaces, etc.).
Best regards, Winfried