How can I set page scrolling option for all files in a Ditamap?
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I have a ditamap containing about 30 referenced topics. I can open all files in the ditamap, but I want to adjust the page scrolling view option so that pages are vertical (not side by side). How can I do this for multiple topic files at once???
- In unstructured framemaker, you can select files and go to View/Options and set the page scrolling preference for all selected files with one click.
- In a Ditamap, though, this View-Options command is available only for each separate dita topic file (not for multiple selected ones and not for the ditamap), which means I have to open each topic file and set each file's page scrolling preference separately. Clearly this is not a doable workflow (and we expect to have much larger ditamaps in future.)
What's the trick???
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I do not use DITA. Therefore my suggestion might be wrong.
I would recommend to set this in the template file. Possibly this will be used automatically or you would have to import this format into your topic files.
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Winfried is correct; you need to set this in your topic templates so that whenever you open a topic from the map, you will get the desired view.
In the meantime, here is a simple script you can use that will change the setting on all of your open documents. To use it, copy the code and paste it into a plain text file and save it with a .jsx extension. Open all of your topics, and choose File > Script > Run and select the script. Alternatively, choose File > Script > Library and add the script to the Script Catalog and run it from there.
#target framemaker
main ();
function main () {
var doc;
// Loop through the open documents.
doc = app.FirstOpenDoc;
while (doc.ObjectValid () === 1) {
// Set the page scrolling to vertical.
doc.ViewPageScrolling = Constants.FV_SCROLL_VERTICAL;
doc = doc.NextOpenDocInSession;
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Thanks always come up with a perfect piece of code just when I need it.
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Thanks so much for your prompt and precise assistance!